Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Row Intervals 
2x 12:00 / rest 3:00
1st Interval: 2 mins each @ r20, r24, r22, r26, r24, and r28
2nd Interval: 2 mins each @ r28, r24, r26, r22, r24, and r20

Focus on finding the rhythm and ratio at each rate. Smooth the stroke by not pausing anywhere. Try not to drop off as you the stroke rate drops, especially during the second interval. Set the splits to read every two minutes so you can capture rate change and splits accurately. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Row Conditioning 
3x3mins // rest 1min
rate 24-26
2k plus 14; get faster 
300m for time

Kept the drag at my usual number for the sprints. I find that anything in the 140+ range feels heavy and I cannot get the quick turnaround at the catch needed for these short sprint. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Row Conditioning 
1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min ladder 
2:00 rest between each
Rate: 23
🎯 2K plus 10

Emphasis on consistency and rhythym. Work to make each set look and feel like the last. Accelerate backwards, glide forwards, keep breathing, relax the shoulders. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Speed Intervals 
4x 30 seconds / 1 minute rest x 2
Rest 3 minutes after the first round of four intervals
🎯 500m PB pace during each 30 second interval
Rest 1 minute 
10 minute row broken into 2 minute splits @ r24. 

Put in a good warmup before hitting this piece. Anything less than all you've got during the 30 second intervals is missing the point. Do not mindlessly row during the 10-minute cooldown. The goal is to keep the same pace and rate for all five splits. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Row Power Intervals 
4x 60 seconds
4x 30 seconds
4x 20 seconds
Rest time equal to each interval.

DF: 120
🎯 2K minus 5 for 60 and 30-second intervals; 2K minus 10 for 20 second intervals

Put all you have into each interval. This is the kind of workout that will increase you tolerance for discomfort. I got interrupted by Lauren before the last 30 second interval and had to reprogram the monitor from that point forward.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Every 2:00 until 30 sandbag over the shoulders are completed: 
16 calorie row
Max SOS in remaining time (100lbs)
*A new round begins every 2:00 — no rest.
*5 round (10 minute) cap

23 Sandbag Cleans

The goal is to complete as many sandbag cleans as possible within a 10-minute time cap, with short bursts of calorie rowing in between. Didn't have much of a strategy other than get as many cleans during the first and last rounds.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Row Power Intervals 
10x 250m // 1:00 rest
🎯 60 seconds or less
Rate: 22 
DF 119

Warmup, then hit the main session. You'll do 10 intervals of 250m at r22 -- these won't be max efforts due to the low rate, but they are high effort with a slow recovery in between each stroke. Sit tall through the stroke, feel the drive in your legs. Can you keep them all under a minute?