Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 Sets of:

15sec on 15 sec off for 5min

Recover 3 min Between sets.

Started at 8.7mph and finished at 11.5mph. 1.0 incline.


3 Deadlifts @ 245lbs
15 GHDs
2 Plate Pushes @ 45lbs


Monday, August 29, 2011

Run 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. Treadmill at 8.5, 8.7 and 9.0mph.

Tabata Jump Rope
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

1: 95-115-135-145(f)-140(f)lbs
2: 115-135-150-160-165(f)lbs
3: 135-145-155-165-170lbs

Friday, August 26, 2011


150 Wall Balls for time.


1000m run (Planet Fitness -2 laps) 4:31
40 OWLS @ 45lbs
40 Squats
1000m run (Planet Fitness -2 laps) 4:29

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bench Press 6 x 3 @ 185lbs

6 Pistols (r/l) between each set

Today was a struggle, felt especially in the biceps.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Run 100m
Pull Up 10 reps
Run 200m
Pull Up 10 reps
Push Up 25 reps
Run 400m
Pull Up 10 reps
Push Up 25 reps
Sit Up 50 reps
Run 800m
Pull Up 10 reps
Push Up 25 reps
Sit Up 50 reps
Squat 100 reps

Monday, August 22, 2011

Treadmill Conditioning
1 minute on // 1 minute off
1 minute on // 50 seconds off
1 minute on // 40 seconds off
1 minute on // 30 seconds off
1 minute on // 20 seconds off
1 minute on // 10 seconds off
...then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 minute on // 1 minute off // 1 minute on, done! 
On the minute for 10 minutes, perform 4 HSPUS

3-6-9-12-9-6-3 reps of:

Push Press @ 95lbs


35 Hollow Rocks

This was much tougher after doing 40 HSPUS. Shoulders got fatigued pretty quickly...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

8 back squats on the minute for 9 minutes @ 95lbs
10th minute do AMRAP: 23 reps

4 x 1:00 on 1:00 off @ 9.0 mph, 1.0 incline
4 x :30 on :30 off @ 9.0 mph, 9.0 incline
Tabata Jump Rope

Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Minutes on the minute- complete 2 Burpees and then 5 Thrusters @ 95lbs



10 DB Swings @ 55lbs

10 T2B

60 Jump Rope Singles


Friday, August 19, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

On Wednesday I completed the following WOD:

30 Push Press @ 75lbs
15 Box Jumps
15 Push Press @ 75lbs
30 Box Jumps
30 Push Press @ 75lbs
15 Box Jumps
15 Push Press @ 75lbs
30 Box Jumps


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Run 1 mile
115 pound* Clean and jerk, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
115 pound* Clean and jerk, 21 reps
Run 1 Mile


This was an absolutely awful WOD. The run portion was terrible. I felt as though I couldn't move. The last mile was broken up into almost little 200m bursts. Easily one of the worst WODS I've ever done.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mark a spot 14 inches above tiptoe reach. Compete 3RFT:

50 Jump and Touch
40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
1o Pullups

"SQT" 3 RFT:

10 Clean and Jerk @ 95lbs
4 Plate Pushes @ 45lbs


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Four minutes to complete:
1 rep max Barbell clean and jerk


rest 10 minutes

3 rounds for time of:

4 Muscle-ups (3:1 sub)
115 pound Thruster, 8 reps


Saturday, August 6, 2011

400m run
21 OHS @ 95lbs
21 box jumps
400m run
15 OHS
15 box jumps
400m run
9 box jumps

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A: 4 Plate Pushes @ 45lbs (Aerobics Room)
15 second rest between efforts.

B: 30 Push Presses @ 95lbs

C: 4 Plate Pushes @ 45lbs (Aerobics Room)
15 second rest between efforts.

A: 1:27
B: 1:49
C: 1:24

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 Cleans on the minute for 10 minutes.

135 x 3
140 x 1
145 x 3
150 (fail)
135 x 3

Monday, August 1, 2011

15-10-5 reps of:

Snatch @ 95lbs
Box Jumps

No time kept. Snatches and pullups were broken up with minimal rest. Snatches felt pretty good @ 95lbs