Monday, September 30, 2024

Row 4x 4:15 work /3:15 rest 
*during each rest period, perform one round of the following
10 half-kneeling one arm KB press (each side; 35lb KB)
20 abmat butterfly sit-ups

Intervals 1-2: 24spm @ 2K plus 12
Intervals 3-4: 26spm @ 2k plus 8

Try to drop the split 3-4 seconds with the rate increase. I dropped the DF and held my splits slower than targets. Focus should be on quick transitions. Finished the off-rower work with 45 seconds to a minute left each round. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Rate Increase Intervals 
3 minute work intervals, increasing rate every 30 seconds 
1 minute recovery
Repeat for a total of four rounds
DF 118

We're experimenting with increasing & building stroke rates here, making sure we continue to row in the same pattern & with the same technique at the higher rates as we do at the low. Push through the feet at the catch and push the hands away at the finish. Find your power at the lower rates and squeeze your speed as increase.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

30/30 Intervals 
10 mins of 30 secs on, 30 secs off
Repeat starting at r24

Row lightly during rest periods. Don’t be afraid to PUSH. During the work intervals, push with confidence. Push the legs flat. Push through the feet. Don’t hold back. Keep all intervals at 200+ WATTS and get faster with each rate increase. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stroke Rate Intervals 
2:00 warmup
1:00 @ r20
1:00 @ r22
1:00 @ r24
1:00 @ r22
1:00 @ r20
Rest 30 seconds and repeat
2:00 cooldown

Focus on pushing the hips back first to make sure it's our legs initiating the power phase of the stroke. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes: 
(1) Hang Power Snatch @ 165lbs

This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 165lbs. If you cannot do 165lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Load by feel, prioritize speed and mechanics over load. Hit all (20) reps @ 119lbs. Video below is from last rep. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Row Endurance 
4000m @ r20 // rest :30
2:00 @ r30 // rest 3:00
4000m @ r20 // rest :30
500m cooldown @ r18

Nice steady UT2 row. Start steady & use the first 4000m as a warmup. The 2:00 piece should be hard, but not all out. Keep the second 4K a few beats faster than the first.

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Ghan 
Row 4321m 
Rest 30 seconds
Row 1234m

A: 4321m time (19:07.3)
B: Total Time (24:20.5)

This was my best ever time for this workout. Found the pace for the first interval to be comfortably challenging and one I should try to use for my next 30-mnute time trial. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ 2:30 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:25 r19
rest 2:30
5 mins @ 2:20 r20
rest 2:30
2.5 mins @ 2:15 r21

Low rate recovery row out in the garage. You have almost 500 strokes to find the best technique you can. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Crossfit | 200313 
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 hard-effort pulls on C2 rower
3 deadlifts

Scaled to 1:41 or better and 225-lb deadlift

7 full rounds 

This workout is a 7-minute strength session focusing on high-rate force production. Perform deadlifts near your 10RM and row at a pace slightly slower than your fastest 500m time. Aim for 6+ rounds, with minimal rest between sets. This is a strength session, treat it as such. Brace before each rep, focus on your back and legs, and push like a champ.
On a 16 minute clock: 
Row 140 calories (120 if using assault bike)
AMRAP in remaining time
20 push-ups
12 v-ups

SCORE: 2 Full + 14 Push-ups

The metcon portion of this workout was challenging due to my current weight and limited stamina for pushing movements. I need to be more balanced in my training to address these weaknesses. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Workout 73 - RowErg - Square Dancing 
Focus: Rhythm, motion, and power consistency.

Rate: 24spm
Drag Factor: 117

Warm-up: Row at a comfortable pace for five minutes.

4 rounds of 4-minute intervals at 150 watts, with 1-minute rest between each.
3 rounds of 3-minute intervals at 162 watts, with 1-minute rest.
2 rounds of 2-minute intervals at 175 watts, with 1-minute rest.
1 round of 1-minute intervals at 200+ watts.

Goal: Maintain a consistent rhythm and motion throughout each interval, even as the intensity increases. Can you keep your power output steady until the end?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Row Intervals 
4 minute row @r20
2 minute rest
4 minute row @ r22
2 minute rest
4 minute row @ r24
2 minute rest
DF 118

While we are rowing at lower rates today, attempt to maintain a sub-maximal, but consistent, effort for all sets. The goal should be to reach 1000m in each of the three intervals. You need to average just over 200 watts to hit this target.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Workout 22 - RowErg - Watt You Need 
Through some basic threshold training intervals we can answer for ourselves, the question "What should my average watts be for this interval?"
3 mins @ r22 light/moderate/hard
1 minute rest
3 mins @ r24 light/moderate/hard
1 minute rest
3 mins @ r26 light/moderate/hard
3x 5:00 @ r28 with undefined rest periods

You'll gradually increase intensity from moderate to hard throughout the first interval. Note average watts (171 WATTS) as you will use this as a baseline for the next two rounds. Alternate between 10% below (154) and 5% above (180) your average watts each minute for the second interval. Bump your targets up a bit for the final round (181 average; 163 low/190 high). I found it challenging to drop down from 5% above to 10% below without falling off in stroke rate. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

4 'Giant' Sets: 
500m row
15 abmat butterfly situps
21 banded good mornings (red mini-band)
Rest 1 minute between sets 

This was designed to be a recovery session out in the garage. Held a lower rate and moderate pace. The midline work was all unbroken with a focus on moving well rather than quickly. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

2000m Row 
Stroke rates of 20/22/24/26 every 500m 
DF 115

Put in a good warmup, but don't expect to be close to a PB on this piece. Repeat later this week, setting a target SPI (watts divded by rate) and match it with each rate jump. For 7.0 SPI, I would need to hold 140, 154, 168 and 182 watts respectively during each of the 500m windows. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Row Intervals 
6 mins start @ r20 👆1-2 spm every 1 min
5 mins start @ r22 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
4 mins start @ r24 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
3 mins start @ r26 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
2 mins start @ r28 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
1 min hold r30+ for the duration
Rest 1 min between intervals

Today's WOD was 6/5/4/3/2/1 minutes with 1 minute rest. I borrowed the format from a DH workout called Rapid Descent. There you get a full 1:45 rest between intervals. Aim to get faster with each shorter interval. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Row Conditioning 
5 x 750m 
2 min REST
Rate: Open

Used the first interval to warmup. The second should be a steady pace, 2k plus 7 or 8. The real work happens on the third and fifth intervals. Get out fast durng the first 250m, around 2 seconds faster than your 2k pace. Then settle into something comfortably hard for the remainder -- suggested target is 2k plus 2 or 3. Use the fourth interval to recover. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Perfect PM Memory Screen 

8 sets of 500m // 2 mins rest

The catch here is that all intervals need to be at the same pace and rate to create what is considered a *perfect* screen. This was an easier row, held 30-minute pace across all intervals. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Rowing Intervals 
6:00 // 3:00 // 3:00 // 1:00 // 1:00 // 1:00
2:00 rest between each 

Use the 6:00 interval to warmup, gradually building to working pace and rate. Push hard on the 3:00 intervals, but leave something in the tank for the 1:00 sprints. The plan was to hold 2K pace for the first minute, go H.A.M. on the second, and hold on to 2K for the last minute. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Row Conditioning 

1/2/3/4/5/4/3/2/1 minutes with 2 minutes rest

An interval pyramid starting at 1 minute, increasing by 1 minute each interval to a maximum of 5 minutes and then back down again. 2 minutes rest between interval. Jumped right in without a warmup. Used the pace and rate from the first interval as the target for all remaining intervals.