Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bench Press:

135 x 5
155 x 5
165 x5

185 x 2
200 x 2

155 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5

Thursday, June 25, 2009

5 RFT:

7 Deadlifts, 205#
30 Squats


23-17-11 reps of:

95# Hang Squat Cleans
Burpee Pullups


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Every minute on the minute for ten minutes:

10 Box Jumps

-rest 5 minutes-

then Find 1RM for OHS.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Using a 95# bar, for time:

10 Thrusters
9 Deadlifts
8 Squat Cleans
7 Push Presses
6 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
4 Push Jerk
3 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Power Cleans
1 Shoulder Press


Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hang Cleans

3 x 3 @ 80% (105#)
3 x 2 @ 85% (115#)
3 x 1 @ 90% (125#)

Form still needs work.

5 RFT:

Shoulder Press, 7 reps (115#, 105#, 95# x 3)
Air Squats, 30 reps
DB Swings, 15 reps (45#)


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Four Stations - Each Station has 2 exercises. Do 10 reps of each exercise, completing as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes before moving on to the next station.
Station A: Inverted Row & Pushup
Station B: Knees-to-Elbows & Barrier Jump
Station C: Push Press & Burpee
Station D: SDHP & Mountain Climber (per leg)

Buy In: Tabata Squats: 15

A: 4 rounds
B: 2 rounds + 3 KTE
C: 3 rounds
D: 4 rounds

Cash Out: 100 situps and 600m run

Monday, June 15, 2009

30 Shoulder Press (65#)
20 Wall Ball Shots
10 Pullups
400m run

4 rounds for time:


Friday, June 12, 2009

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1

115 125 135 145 150(pr)

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

115 115 125 125 125 135

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

95 105 115 135 115

Finished with max pullups. Was hoping for 10, got 8. I will do 10 by my 30th birthday.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

5 Burpees
15 DB Swings (40#)
25 Box Jumps

Burpees increase by 5 and box jumps decrease by 5 each round. 5 rounds total.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

**Compare to 5-1-09**

Pull ups: 6,6,5,5,4,4,4,4....38 (-1)

Push ups: 22,13,10,9,8,5,7,6....80 (-15)

Sit ups: 13,12,11,11,9,9,9,10....84 (-5)

Squats: 17,17,16,17,16,17,17,16....133 (+6)

Total: 335 (-15)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 Squat Cleans, 95#
50 GHD Situps
8 Squat Cleans, 95#
40 GHD Situps
6 Squat Cleans, 95#
30 GHD Situps
4 Squat Cleans, 95#
20 GHD Situps
2 Squat Cleans, 95#
10 GHD Situps


First time with the GHD situps. Used a swiss ball and the smith machine, but did not make it below parallel.

Monday, June 8, 2009

40 Deadlifts, 185#
50 Bench Press, 155#
60 DB Swings, 50#


Really tough WOD!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

Hang Clean, 95#
Push Jerk, 95#
200m run

*Must finish under 20:00


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

25 Pullups
30 DB Swings
35 Situps
40 Burpees


**compare to 13:38 (4/02)**

Monday, June 1, 2009

"Barbara Lite"

3 Rounds of: (3 minutes rest btwn rounds)

20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats

1: 6:03
2: 6:05
3: 6:20