Thursday, August 31, 2023

20 Rounds
1:45 work // :45 rest
🎯: 400m each interval
DF 110

Need to hold a 2:11.2 to hit the target pace. Rowed at the Kennett Y where the machines likely have not been cleaned since they were purchased. Had to turn the damper to 6.5 just to get the drag to 110. While I was pretty consistent, I hovered a few beats short of my target. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Workout 90 - RowErg - Drive Fast, Take Chances 
3 X 12 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest 
Warm Up:
4 Minutes @22 Easy Build
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 45 Seconds @24 / 15 Seconds Easy @22
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 30 Seconds @26 / 30 Seconds Easy @22 

Rest two minutes

4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 20 Seconds @26 / 40 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 15 Seconds @28 / 45 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 10 Seconds @30 / 50 Seconds Moderate @24
Rest two minutes and repeat

The recovery period stays the same with each rate increase - you need to pick up the speed through the drive to move faster. Focus on applying power by contacting the foot plate firmly with your heel and midfoot to accelerate down the slide.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Row Conditioning 
5x3000 meters
rest 90 seconds
Rate: 20
Pace: 52-58% of 2K PB 
DF: 107

We're going long today! The goal is to find a consistent pace that is repeatable across all five intervals. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Row Conditioning 
15 minutes steady state row
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm

Wanted to push a bit here to see where my fitness was after the kidney infection. Happy with this effort, felt good even at the higher rate. Allowed the rate to carry any speed increase. 

Bench Press
6-6-5-5-4-4 reps


Every round was successful, although I fought for the last rep on each set of four. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

30:00 Chill Distance Row 

This was my first time doing anything active in a week while recovering from that nasty kidney infection. Goal was to stay very mellow. If you feel like pushing, go for it, but that is not the objective. Find good technique, breathe a little bit and move well.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Row Power Pyramid 
3 Rounds
45 second rest between each // 2:00 rest between rounds
🎯 110% (1:53.0 pace)

Warmup and cool down are built in to this effort. The first three 150m intervals are designed to build up to target pace and speed. Let the pace slide a bit after the first round - staying above 100% but only going above 110% on the last 150m interval. Still a solid effort that had me breathing heavy by the end.

Monday, August 14, 2023

1:00 rest
Rate: 20 

Set a moderately hard pace then get faster with each interval. Settle in at r20 and practice putting in force to every stroke, letting the legs do the pushing. Hung my towel from the phone holder (at the Y) to 'mark the catch' as I have a tendency to shorten the catch when rowing at a low rate. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

15 minutes steady state row
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm


Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5


Knew I wasn't going to be able to handle real heavy weight after the ski&snatch workout yesterday. The barbell hit the rack twice on the way up at 230# which threw off my tempo. This was probably doable but I'll take 225x5. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

"Steady Kreuger"
10 Rounds
10 Cal SkiErg
10 S-arm Hang DB Snatch @ 35-pounds

Manageable sets of conflicting movements present a tricky predicament. Too slow is, well, just too slow. Too fast and your transitions and breaks will suffer. Finding a cruising speed and chip away. The SkiErg never fails to leave me devastated and in a puddle of sweat. I probably could have gone with a heavier DB but was cautious about how my low back felt the last time I did heavy snatches. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Row Intervals 
10//20//30//40//50//60 calories 

Rate: 24 
Pace: 5k goal pace

Warmed up with some high-rate sprints. Decided to cap these at r24 and try to set an aggressive pace on my first interval and that with each longer calorie interval. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Row 8000m, structured as follows:
3000m @ r20
2000m @ r24
3000m @ r20

A nice way to break up an 8k. No rest between the three intervals. The rate change in the middle with a touch of speed should make the last 3k feel easier but I was riding the struggle bus today. My body was sore from yesterday and I was pulling too much with my arms. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Get on your Concept 2 -> Press Menu -> Select Workout -> Custom List, and select v2000m/3:00r...
3:00 rest
3:00 rest
3:00 rest
3:00 rest

This was done at a Y up in Boston at Luke's house after a week of no workouts. I just wanted to get some movement in before a long car ride home. Started slow but pushed the final 500m interval. 

3x 12 SA KB bottoms-up press @17.5-pounds
3x 20+MAX hollow rocks+hollow hold

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Recovery Row 
15 mins // 12 mins // 9 mins // 6 mins // 3 mins
Rest 90 seconds between each 

Held a pace akin to what I'd use for a half-marathon attempt. With the trip to Maine, I am not sure when I'd be able to row again so today was all about logging my 10 thousand meters for the dog days challenge.