Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Workout 90 - RowErg - Drive Fast, Take Chances 
3 X 12 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest 
Warm Up:
4 Minutes @22 Easy Build
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 45 Seconds @24 / 15 Seconds Easy @22
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 30 Seconds @26 / 30 Seconds Easy @22 

Rest two minutes

4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 20 Seconds @26 / 40 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 15 Seconds @28 / 45 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 10 Seconds @30 / 50 Seconds Moderate @24
Rest two minutes and repeat

The recovery period stays the same with each rate increase - you need to pick up the speed through the drive to move faster. Focus on applying power by contacting the foot plate firmly with your heel and midfoot to accelerate down the slide.

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