Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Workout 78: RowErg - Step Down 
Can you maintain a consistent intensity while varying your stroke rate? This workout tests your ability to balance power and precision.

4 Sets of 5 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest
5 Minute Interval Breakdown:
5-3 Minutes: Build to a fast stroke rate
3-2 Minutes: Drop rate 2 beats and hold pace steady
2-1 Minutes: Drop rate 2 beats and hold pace steady
1-0 Minutes: Drop rate 2 beats and hold pace steady

Set 1: Build to a 26 then drop down to 24-22-20 (this should be used as a warmup)
Set 2: Build to a 28 then drop down to 26-24-22
Set 3: Build to a 30 then drop down to 28-26-24
Set 4: Open Rate - I chose to stay with the 30-28-26-24 

Maintain your peak output from the three-minute mark, even as you reduce your stroke rate. Aim for a 6-8 RPE.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

For Time: 
100 heavy rope singles 
25 butterfly abmat sit-ups
1000m row
75 heavy rope singles 
25 butterfly abmat sit-ups
750m row
50 heavy rope singles 
25 butterfly abmat sit-ups
500m row


Woke up late and was not very motivated to workout this morning. This was a #morethannothing effort. Used the Hades rope for heavy singles. The first round of sit-ups was done unbroken and I broke just once each during second and third rounds.

Monday, August 26, 2024

9 Rounds, OT2M: 
330 meter row 
2K + 8 
2K + 4
Repeat this cycle three times for a total of nine rounds. 

Get down to target pace within five pulls. Do not exceed targets - the goal of today's session is control and consistency across all intervals. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Row Conditioning 
4x 3:00 work // 2:00 rest

This was a great recovery session with a nice push at the end. Played PB this morning at the park and wanted to use this session to get a little warm so I was pliable for stretching afterwards. Continued to paddle lightly during the rest periods. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Row Conditioning 
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 minute rest after round 5)
Note: This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose 'Select Workout' then 'Custom List' then 'v1:40/20 r...9'.

Treated this as a 5K prep workout. My strategy was to hold a pace slightly slower than my target split during the first five intervals. After the two-minute break, I increased my pace by about five seconds over the remaining four rounds. To break the 21-minute mark, I'll need to maintain an average split of 2:06. I'm happy with the consistency today and workouts like this show that with a good plan, that is absolutely within reach. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Workout 68 - RowErg - Ready to Rip
Warm Up: 
1:00 @20 Easy
2:00 @22 Moderate
3:00 @24 Moderate-Hard
4:00 @26 Hard
3:00 @26 Hard
2:00 @26 Hard
1:00 @26 Easy
Take 1:1 rest between intervals, paddling lightly.
4:00 Test - Time Trial - Hard Effort

The time trial will be at a sub-max effort. Turned up the drag to 132 and kept the rate at 26 for the first three minutes, building in pace. Increase your rate and pace during the last minute and finish with no doubts. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

6 rounds for time of: 
18-calorie row
30-foot sandbag carry @ 100 lb


Aim to finish the row in under a minute for the first three rounds. Don't overthink the sandbag carry. Grab it and go. Distance is just one length of the driveway. Turn off your brain and just keep moving. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Row Conditioning 
30:00 cont. (15:00/10:00/5:00)
rates 18/20/22

2K plus 22 seconds @ r18
2K plus 20 seconds @ r20
2k plus 17 seconds @ r22

Warmed up with a nine-minute rate pyramid. Found that maintaining a lower stroke rate while keeping up the target pace for each interval was a real challenge. A great way to end a tough week!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Crossfit | 220113 
Power Clean 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps
5s: 135-pounds
3s: 155-pounds
1s: 165-175-185-195(f)

The goal is to go heavy for the last four sets, ideally looking for something above 80% of your 1-rep max. Failed to turn the 195-pound bar over. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Workout 96 - RowErg - 10-4 
Warm Up: 
Damper @ 10 
Stroke rate 20, 22 and 24
1 minute rest

3 minute intervals, 1 minute rest
Work sets to be completed at r24
Damper starts at 9, decrease by 1 each interval all the way down to 4

Once you have completed the fourth interval with damper set to 7, reset the monitor and rerow, attempting to beat your score from each of the previous four intervals. Use the last three minute interval as a cooldown. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Workout 34 - RowErg - Counter Clockwise 
Warm Up: 
3 Minutes Easy @24
2 Minutes Moderate @24
1 Minute with Power Strokes @24
12 Minute Interval @24 SPM
First Minute take 2 Power Strokes 
Every Minute thereafter, add 2 additional Power Strokes
2 Minute REST
12 Minute Interval @24 SPM
First Minute take 24 Power Strokes
Every Minute thereafter, subtract 2 Power Strokes

Felt strong out in the garage this morning even with my midline smoked from yesterday. My target for the power strokes was sub-2:10. Very happy that I was able to hold the same distance on back half as front half. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

For time:
Kettlebell swings @ 35lbs


The two movements in this workout should complement each other nicely — hip extension using the posterior chain in the swings and hip flexion using the anterior side of the body with the v-ups — but with this volume, it will be a great test of your midline. The 35lb KB was too light - use the 53lb KB next time out. Broke the swings during the round of 15 and 12 -- otherwise unbroken. Be smart about breaking the v-ups, from the set of 12 on I was breaking into the reps into 3 smaller sets. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Row'd Royalty 20.3 
(415) ROW-LONG 
Row 4000m & 1000m & 5000m
Rest 3 minutes between each interval.

20.3A: 1000m Time 
20.3B: 10,000m Time

It's been a few months since I tackled a workout this long. To be honest, I was feeling a little rusty. Given the distance, I decided to dial down the drag and make it more of a recovery-focused session while watching Modern Family in the garage. While the lower drag helped me get through the workout, I definitely paid for it on the initial 4000m. That piece felt much slower than I would have liked. The rest of the workout was manageable, but I know there's room for improvement.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

From Dark Horse Rowing: Half Caf 
Complete 10 rounds:
30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
Score: Total meters
🎯 1500 meters

Rowed along with DH video. There are no rate restrictions for this row. Work as quickly as possible without sacrificing technique. For sprints, drag should be 10+ beats higher than normal - this needs to be done at 130+. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

For Time:
40 banded sit-ups (red mini band)
200m sandbag carry (100)
40 banded sit-ups


The sandbag may be carried anyhow (shoulder recommended). Carry was to lamp post outside of 521 North Maryland and back to the garage. I mixed between shoulder carry and bearhug with the sandbag. Took one short break on the bag (~20 seconds) before starting up again. Anchored my feet with a 25-pound bumper plate for the sit-ups but it kept sliding and I wasn't able to string together big sets as a result.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Pyramid Training 
4:00 @ r20
3:00 @ r24
2:00 @ r28
1:00 @ r32
0:30 @ r36
Rest 1:00 between each

Use the average watts from each of the :30 second intervals in your warmup piece as your targets. Felt solid during the warmup and was happy to challenge myself with these higher rates.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps 
*use double overhand grip with fat gripz
5s: 145, 155
3s: 165, 175, 185
1s: 190, 190, 195(f), 195(f)

Woke up pretty sore from all the rowing this week. I spent some time warming up and doing mobility work prior to deadlifting. I struggled to get the 195-pound bar more than an inch or so off the ground. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Row Conditioning 
4x 5:00 intervals, broken as follows
1:00 active recovery
1:00 @ r22 75%
1:00 @ r26 90%
1:00 @ r22 75%
1:00 @ r26 90%

Followed along with this DH workout from YouTube. You'll row for 20 minutes continuously, but each minute you'll shift your focus as described above. Held the r22 around 2:15-2:17 and the r26 at 2:06-2:08. 

Finished up with some midline work.
45-second plank hold
30 sit-ups @14lb medball
15 v-ups
30 russian twists @14lb medball
45-second plank hold