Monday, December 9, 2024

Row Time Trial 
⏱️ 1:00
🎯 300m 
⚡ 406 (peak) 348 (average)

300m at a sub-maximum 500m race pace effort. Use the first 10 strokes to get the pace really low, then stride out to a sub-max pace for remainder of 300m. I did the first 80 meters at 1:37.6 and last 220 meters at 1:41.3. The first 80m are to be done at 500m race effort start. Keep those heels planted and focus primarily on the body swing. Shorten those strokes and focus on body moving from 11 to 1. Lean forward and reach with the hands up into the machine. Get north of 40spm for those first 80 meters. 

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