Friday, November 28, 2014

1) 5X1 Clean – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
2) 5X1 Push Jerk – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
BB Cycling
1) 3X3 UB Hang Squat Cleans (full) from the Power Position – rest 90 sec.
2) 1XME T&G Squat Cleans (full) from floor @ 95% of max triple from #1

5 rounds for total working time of:
20 Row for Calories
15 Pistols (alternating)
10 Shoulder to Overhead 85#
Rest 1:00

A: 155-165-170-175-185lbs (PR)
B: 185-195-205-215-225lbs (PR)
C: 135-155-165lbs
D: (6) reps @ 155lbs

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