Monday, November 24, 2014

A: 5X1 Snatch – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
B: 5X1 Clean + Jerk – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
BB Cycling
C: 3XME UB Snatches (full squat) @ 80% (of max Snatch) – rest 90 sec.
D: 4X3 Front Squats – work to a near 3rm (final set should be close to a 3rm, but no misses), rest 2:00
E: 4X5 Tempo (3 count pause at bottom/top)  Dips – rest 2:00

A: 115X2; 135X2; 140(f)
B: 140; 155; 165; 170; 180lbs (New PR!)
C: 6-7-9 Reps @ 105lbs
D: 185-195-205-215lbs

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