Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A:EMOM for 5:00- (2) T&G Power Snatches
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Snatch & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

B: EMOM for 5:00-
(2) T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Clean & Push Jerk & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

C: (2) Rounds of:
30 HS Shoulder Taps
30 Splits Jumps (each jump = 1 rep)
30 KBS 16kg (35lbs)

A: 110-115-125-130-130lbs
B: 145-150-155-160-165lbs

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