Wednesday, January 21, 2015

EMOM for 7:00-
3 UB T&G Hang Squat Cleans (Go right into Thruster on last rep)*
*Begin at 60% of 1RM Clean and add weight each minute until you can no longer complete 5 reps. When 3 reps are no longer possible subtract 10-20# and complete the remainder of the EMOM.

B: Conditioning
For time: Row 20 Calories
60 Wall Balls 15#
Row 20 Calories
*Do not strategize the 60 Wall Balls. Do as many as possible UB, with the goal being 60 UB.
*Wall Balls 30/15/15. So much for not strategizing.

A: 95-115-125-135-145-155-160lbs
B: 6:06

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