Friday, March 1, 2024

3 Rounds
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds
3 Rounds
250 Meter (Hard) Row
100 Meter (Easy) Row
150 Meter (Sprint) Row
Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds

The total workload in this session is low - and it has a LOT of rest. Looking for you to SEND IT on the sprints! Use the "easy" intervals to regain your composure and breathing. On the second 3 round section don't hold back on the "hard" interval to save it too much for the sprint at the end. The 75m sprints were pretty consistent across each of the three rounds. Was hovering around 1:50 (262 watts) pace most of the time with a peak of 1:45.5 (298 watts). Average 150m sprint in Part 2 was 33.2 seconds. Turned the drag all the way down for this one (DF 91). 

Score: Total Time for Part 1 7:56.6
Score: Time for Part 2 6:12.6

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