Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Each split must be negative compared to previous split. The minimum is -0.1 secs. 

2 scores:
• Time of split 1
• Time of split 10

What I really enjoyed about this workout was the format and strategy behind it. It's like a puzzle, where you have to plan your pace for that first interval, knowing very well that you'll be scored. But hey, here's the catch: you have to drop your pace in each of the next nine intervals. Today was about taking it easy and enjoying the process rather than pushing to the limit and just logging those meters for MSM challenge. 

Accessory 🔥🔥
5 sets:
1-arm heavy DB bench press (alternate arms each set)
7 strict handstand push-ups

Used 60-lb DB for the bench press. Use both arms to get the DB in place and keep a slightly neutral angle. Extend free arm out a bit to the side for balance. 

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