Thursday, March 7, 2024

ErgZone Challenge #2 
Rate: 22
Pace: 2:16.3
DF: 115

The workout is 23 minutes, broken down into 1-minute splits. This one is about consistency at each split. Your goal is to repeat 22 times the same pace/watts and SPM you did on the first split. Think about that perfect screen. Score 1 point for each time the athlete meets the goals set on the first interval. 

Score: 21

Was oh so close to a perfect score. This was not stressful and very repeatable - consider this rate/pace combo for a 12-15k or maybe even a half-marathon if you sit for one again this summer. 

Core Values
45 second plank
100 medball sit-ups (10#)
45 second plank
100 russian twists (10#)
45 second plank

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