Thursday, October 31, 2024

Stroke Rate Pyramid 
10-minute intervals with 2 minutes rest between

First Interval: change the rate each minute

Second Interval: first minute light, second minute with pressure

This was the fourth workout in Skeleton Challenge C2 podcast. During the second interval, your ratio is going to change from the first minute to the next. Your drive speed will increase to apply more power which means you'll need to slow down your recovery to hold the prescribed rate. PRESS the legs to extension, don't just FLOP them to extension. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Row Series II - Event 4 - Light The Fuse 
Row 100m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 200m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 300m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 400m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 500m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 2,000m   
A: 8:24.4 (2000m time)
B: 14:37.7 (Total Time)

Capped the rate at 24 s/m and set a goal to match the pace I posted on the first (100m) interval. This one hurt and I couldn't get there on the 2K.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Row Conditioning 
2x 3000m / 6:00 rest as follows...
1k @ r22 (5k+5)
1k @ r24 (5k+3)
1k @ r26 (5k pace)

Be consistent with your splits and smooth during the rate/speed increases. Focus on one form fix during the row to help keep your mind occupied. I chose to focus on being sharp at the drive and quick hands at the finish. Being sharp at the drive means minimizing delay for an efficient stroke transition. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Skeleton Crew Challenge Day 1  
9:00 steady interval
Increase rate OT3M (20, 22 & 24)

3 rounds of 3:00 work // 2:00 rest
r24 across all intervals with increasing power

9 rounds of 1:00 work/ 1:00 rest
r26 across all intervals - maintain and #lastfast 

DF 119

Friday, October 25, 2024

2:30 on/2:30 off x four rounds
Rate 22
DF 119

Goal is to go all-out on these rate-capped intervals without flying too close to the sun and blowing up. Use the rest windows to paddle lightly and recover. A second goal was to hold negative splits. Need to be generating more power from my legs. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Row Conditioning
Row 30 seconds @ 500m pace/rate
Zero rest
Row 19:30 minutes @ r20; 2k plus 20 seconds

This workout tests your recovery after a maximal effort. Try to hit your target 500m pace within the first 5 strokes and stay there for the rest of the time. Expect your heart rate to take about a minute to settle after the sprint, don't let your technique (and pace) to fall off during this time. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

10 Intervals of Work
Work = 17 Strokes Together
Take 2 strokes to sync up at target stroke rate, the next 5 strokes you will pull harder, gradually increasing the watts to a challenging number. The final 10 strokes you will work to sustain that number while maintaining good technique. 
You'll continue to row after each set of power tens, just take the intensity way down and take your stroke rate down to 20-22 -- don't stop rowing throughout the workout.

Stroke Rates targets for each interval:
4 @ 24, 3 @ 26, 2 @ 28 and 1 @ 30 

This workout is all about control. Staying in control, smooth during the power 10s as well as when we are recovering at r22. Challenge yourself to produce a touch more power during those power 10s. Max WATTS was 252 which translates to a 1:51.6 pace. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

AMRAP 2 minutes x 3 rounds 
30 abmat butterfly sit-ups
max calories on assault bike in remaining time
Rest 5:00 between rounds

Put in a good warmup on the rower and hammer the bike. I reduced the volume on the sit-ups to 25 reps for the last two rounds as I wanted to have at least 30 seconds on the bike. Came out too conservative the first round and only posted 7 calories. The second and third rounds I was able to get 13 calories each. Get that bike north of 90+ RPMs. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

"Low: High"  
8 x 2 mins / 1 minute rest between rounds
Spend the first minute at a lower rate and then step up to a higher rate for the second minute

1: r20-->r24
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r28-->r32

Followed along with DH rowing vid from Rowvember 2021. Use the legs, PRESS them to extension, don't just FLOP them to extension. A heavy breather out in the garage on a beautiful October afternoon. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Workout 42 - RowErg - Hindsight 
Hindsight is 20/20. We head towards 20 Minutes of work at a 20 Stroke Rate.  In the first interval, leave yourself some room to make two jumps (measured in watts) from easy to hard. Set the monitor to view force curve. 
Two 10 Minute intervals @20 with 3 Minutes Rest in Between

1st Interval: 3 Minutes Easy, 4 Minutes Moderate, 3 Minutes Hard
2nd Interval: 3 Minutes Moderate, 4 Minutes Hard, 3 Minutes Moderate

Try this exercise: 

Set your damper on a 1, row between a 25-30 stroke rate, use the force curve display and try to create consistent smooth curves that all look the same for 10 minutes. Training with the rower on 1 is like training with a PVC pipe to practice the Olympic weightlifting movements with good technique. You will find that you have to be really intentional and use your legs and time your transitions effectively with the damper at 1. Practice makes a habit!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

3 Rounds 
1000m row
15 deadlifts @ 50% of 1RM (used 155lbs)

Hold on during the deadlift, this weight should allow for unbroken sets. The third round on the rower was a real challenge. Managing my breath while avoiding the temptation to slow down was tough. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pyramid of Power 
1min at 20spm (rest 1min)
1min at 22spm (rest 1min)
1min at 24spm (rest 1min)
1min at 22spm (rest 1min)
1min at 20spm (rest 2min)
Repeat three more times.
DF 120

The notes suggest this should be done at max power for each interval - 10/10 RPE. Pacing guidelines in ErgZone were on the moderate side - if you try this again, nudge the pace up by +5 seconds each interval. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Row Intervals 
2x 12:00 / rest 3:00
1st Interval: 2 mins each @ r20, r24, r22, r26, r24, and r28
2nd Interval: 2 mins each @ r28, r24, r26, r22, r24, and r20

Focus on finding the rhythm and ratio at each rate. Smooth the stroke by not pausing anywhere. Try not to drop off as you the stroke rate drops, especially during the second interval. Set the splits to read every two minutes so you can capture rate change and splits accurately. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Row Conditioning 
3x3mins // rest 1min
rate 24-26
2k plus 14; get faster 
300m for time

Kept the drag at my usual number for the sprints. I find that anything in the 140+ range feels heavy and I cannot get the quick turnaround at the catch needed for these short sprint. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Row Conditioning 
1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min ladder 
2:00 rest between each
Rate: 23
🎯 2K plus 10

Emphasis on consistency and rhythym. Work to make each set look and feel like the last. Accelerate backwards, glide forwards, keep breathing, relax the shoulders. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Speed Intervals 
4x 30 seconds / 1 minute rest x 2
Rest 3 minutes after the first round of four intervals
🎯 500m PB pace during each 30 second interval
Rest 1 minute 
10 minute row broken into 2 minute splits @ r24. 

Put in a good warmup before hitting this piece. Anything less than all you've got during the 30 second intervals is missing the point. Do not mindlessly row during the 10-minute cooldown. The goal is to keep the same pace and rate for all five splits. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Row Power Intervals 
4x 60 seconds
4x 30 seconds
4x 20 seconds
Rest time equal to each interval.

DF: 120
🎯 2K minus 5 for 60 and 30-second intervals; 2K minus 10 for 20 second intervals

Put all you have into each interval. This is the kind of workout that will increase you tolerance for discomfort. I got interrupted by Lauren before the last 30 second interval and had to reprogram the monitor from that point forward.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Every 2:00 until 30 sandbag over the shoulders are completed: 
16 calorie row
Max SOS in remaining time (100lbs)
*A new round begins every 2:00 — no rest.
*5 round (10 minute) cap

23 Sandbag Cleans

The goal is to complete as many sandbag cleans as possible within a 10-minute time cap, with short bursts of calorie rowing in between. Didn't have much of a strategy other than get as many cleans during the first and last rounds.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Row Power Intervals 
10x 250m // 1:00 rest
🎯 60 seconds or less
Rate: 22 
DF 119

Warmup, then hit the main session. You'll do 10 intervals of 250m at r22 -- these won't be max efforts due to the low rate, but they are high effort with a slow recovery in between each stroke. Sit tall through the stroke, feel the drive in your legs. Can you keep them all under a minute? 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Row Intervals 
3:00 mod easy / 1:00 hard / 2:00 easy @ r20
3:00 mod easy / 1:00 hard / 2:00 easy @ r22
DF 108

Today’s focus was on separating out stroke rate from intensity. We can row light at a low stroke rate or hard at a low or high stroke rate. We have the capacity to change every aspect of the stroke which is so useful in our training. Warmed up with a technique video focusing on generating leg push. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Row Time Trial 
⏱️ 1:00
🎯 300m 
🎰 296m
⚡ 372 (peak) 337 (average)

Warmed up for about 15 minutes before hitting the 1:00 TT. Everything above the 1:00 interval was part of the warmup. Turned up the drag for the sprint although it may have been too sharp of a jump. The flywheel felt heavy and I struggled to stay below 1:40. Overall, need to hold a higher stroke rate. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Skeleton Crew Challenge #5 
20 Rounds
1 minute work // 30 seconds rest 
Rate: 24-26

Use the first five intervals to warm-up. Paddle lightly during rest periods. Because we'll be rowing for 30 minutes straight, these will not be all-out efforts. Instead, pick a pace that would challenge you for 20 minutes. Settled on a pace a few beats faster than 5K, getting faster during the last four intervals. #lastfast