Thursday, May 28, 2009

"The Vortex"

Run 1.5 miles for time.

Each minute, on the minute, alternate between 10 push ups and 10 air squats. WOD is complete when you have run 1.5 miles or cannot complete reps in time.


Time is misleading. I should be able to shave a minute or two off this time. The first two minutes I had the treadmill at only 5.5 or 6 mph. For the remainder of the workout was around 7.2-8.0 mph. In the future, warm up for two minutes with brisk walk, then commence running at 8 mph.

I went back to the gym and tried it again. I ran for ten minutes at 8 mph (7:30 mile) with a total distance of 1.375 miles.

150 dips


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