Monday, September 1, 2014

A: 5x1 Hang Snatches @ 115lbs; rest as needed
B: 3+1x5 Touch and Go Snatches - 3 sets to work to 5RM; rest 90 seconds (see note)
C: 3xME (timed) plank hold; rest 90 seconds

Note: The +1 set is an additional ME UB set @ 85% of 5RM established in first 3 sets. The goal is as many T/G reps as possible - with perfect technique - before dropping the bar.

B: 95lbs for sets of (5); 22 reps @ 65lbs ME UB (Percentage was not exact; workout at No Excuses and only have 25# and 10# plates)
C: 1:05; 1:00; :43 seconds

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