Friday, October 30, 2015

30:00 AMRAP (at a conversational pace or HR @ 150 BPM) of:
40 HS Shoulder Taps
40 OHS @ 45lbs
400m Run

Notes: Completed (3) full rounds. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

50 Wall Balls @ 15lbs
50 Push Ups
50 Pistols, alternating legs
50 Snatches @ 75lbs

Finish with 50 Evil Wheels.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

5 rounds for total time:
Sprint 100 meters
15 KB Swings
Rest 2:00


Notes: Used True Form treadmill for sprints & 40lb KB for swings due to availability. Went UB on KB Swings. 
Find a heavy 3RM Hang Snatch in (6) minutes.
At the (6) minute mark:
(50) Burpees

Notes: Best snatch was 135lbs x 3

Monday, October 26, 2015

A: Press
85% x 3 x 4

B: Deadlift
Work up to one heavy set of (5) reps

Exposure 3/8

C: Accessory Work
-Tabata DB Static Overhead Hold @ 12lbs
-V-Ups 3 x 12
-Arch Rocks 3 x 12

Used 135 for press.
Best deadlift was 255 x 5.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Seven Rounds. One Minute Rest Between Efforts.
5-10-5 yard Shuttle Run
5 Power Snatches @ 95lbs
7 Box Jumps @ 20"

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Push press 3-3-3-3-3-3
*Use 5-rep-max weight


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
Shoulders-to-overheads @ 65lbs
Sumo deadlift high pulls @ 65lbs

Note: Used 155lbs for push press. Used push press for Metcon. 

The Sandwich 2015 Games Masters #6

80 Calorie Row
80 Deadlifts @ 135lbs

Note: Row was approx 1250m

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A: Back Squat
Work to heavy set of 12

B: 6 Minute Cap:
1000m Row
ME Jump Rope

A: 205lbs
B: 83 Singles

Monday, October 19, 2015

A: Five Rounds:
(5) Cycles - UB Bear Complex @ 50-60% of ME

Power Clean - Front Squat - Push Press - Back Squat - Push Press
Used 95-pounds for complex. Tough, but 115-pounds may be a better challenge.

90 UB Single Unders
Score is total full sets. Must be UB. Start at 0 if stopped for any reason.

Completed (6) full sets in allotted time cap.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Every four minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:
Bench Press @ 155lbs x 6 reps
Strict Pull-ups x 6 reps

20 Games Push-ups
200m Run
20 KB Swings @ 40lbs
200m Run
20 Games Push-ups
200m Run
20 KB Swings @ 40lbs
200m Run

*Run on True Form Treadmill

Friday, October 16, 2015

2015 Regional Event 7

For time:
15 C2B Pull-ups & 15 Dips
135-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
145-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
155-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
165-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
175-lb. squat clean, 1 rep

Change your own weights, GO! GO! GO!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

5 rounds for reps and time:

200m Run (True Form Treadmill)
Max Effort UB HSPUS

1: 15
2: 12
3: 13
4: 13
5: 14

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

1000m Row
50 Burpees
1000m Row

Workout completed at Kennett Y with Nick.
A: Strict Press
Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4  

B: Deadlift
Work up to one heavy set of 8 reps
Consider using about 65% of your 1RM. 

Exposure 4/8

C: 20-15-10-5:
Wall Ball 15-pounds
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75-pounds

A: Use 110-pounds across all sets. Based on 160-pound 1RM. Reps 6&7 were tough in each set.
B:  Best set was 205-pounds.

Monday, October 12, 2015

10 Snatches @ 95lbs
200' Shuttle Run
8 Snatches @ 105lbs
200' Shuttle Run
6 Snatches @ 115lbs
200' Shuttle Run
4 Snatches @ 125lbs
200' Shuttle Run
2 Snatches @ 135lbs
200' Shuttle Run

Note: Shuttle Run completed at Basketball Court -Jennersville Y. Two times down and back.

Snatches felt great. Attempted to hit 1RM following WOD. Succesful at 140&145lbs.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

For Load: Team Series Event 7

Front Squat 7-7-7-7-7

Notes: Must clean bar from the ground. Rest :90 between sets.


Friday, October 9, 2015

165-pound Clean&Jerk, 2 reps
20-calorie Row
155-pound Clean&Jerk, 4 reps
20-calorie Row
145-pound Clean&Jerk, 6 reps
20-calorie Row
135-pound Clean&Jerk, 8 reps
20-calorie Row
125-pound Clean&Jerk, 10 reps
20-calorie Row

Notes: Averaged 1:10 on rows; approx. 310m each effort.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

For Task Completion, Not Time: Crossfit Open 14.4

60 Calorie Row
50 V-Ups
40 Wall Balls @ 18-pounds
30 Power Cleans @ 135-pounds
20 Pull-ups
A: Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Build over the course of the 10 sets to today’s heavy.

B: 3RFT:
250m Row
15 KB Swings @ 40-pounds

Note: Rear of ERG elevated on two bumper plates. 12 minute cap for workout.

A: 135-155-165(X2)-175(X2)-185(X2)-190-195
B: 9:31. As Rx'd is 55-pound KB, limited by selection at Y.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


30 Clean & Jerks, 115#

3:17 PR!
100 HS Shoulder Taps
50 Calorie Row
40 GHD Situps
30 KB Thrusters (15R/L) 30-pound KB
20 Weighted Pistols (alternating) 15-pound KB
10 Power Snatches 115-pounds

Friday, October 2, 2015

For time:
-“Grace”: 30x clean and jerk
*Goal for this is to be unbroken. Any break that you have, which will constitute your hands coming off the bar, immediately add 5 reps to the RX’d amount.
2:47 -- broke at 17 reps using 75-pound bar.