Saturday, December 31, 2016

4 sprints of:
25-meter handstand walk
Then, 4 sprints of:
50-meter walking lunge

Rest at least 2 minutes between efforts.

Note: Subbed 25 HS Shoulder Taps for HS Walk. Handstands were consistent at 16 seconds per round.

Friday, December 30, 2016

On the Concept 2; Row:
4K Pyramid - 250/500/750/1k/750/500/250 meters
Rest 1 minute between efforts.

Damper set at 7. Goal should be to match or exceed splits on way up and back down the ladder.

250 meters
500 meters
750 meters
1000 meters

A: For Time
10-1 Hang Cleans @ 115lb.
*50 singles between each set

B: For Time:
10-8-6-4-2 DB Snatch @ 70lb.
*10 step ups between each set (24-inch box)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:
(1) Power Snatch @ 165lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 165lbs. If you cannot do 165lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 135lb with no misses.
3 rounds for time:
400m run
40 back extensions
7 deadlifts (255)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Three Rounds:
50 V-Ups
A: Conditioning
12 Burpees
*Record your slowest time
Ninja:  < 28 seconds
Advanced: < 31 seconds
Intermediate: < 34 seconds
Novice: < 37 seconds

28-29-29-33-35-37 seconds

B: Row Conditioning
Running Clock...
On the 3:00 x 3
25 Calorie Row
On the 2:00 x 3
20 Calorie Row
On the 1:00 x 3
12 Calorie Row

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

1. Gymnastics Conditioning
6 sets of 9 unbroken Strict HSPU
Rest as needed between sets

2. Conditioning
For time:
5 Rounds of Cindy*
directly into:
3 Rounds of DT**
Directly into:
1,000m Row
*1 Round of "Cindy": 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squats
**1 Round of "DT": 12 DL + 9 HPC + 6 PJ (155/105)

3. Conditioning
1:30 of AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 1 minute
1:00 of AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 1 minute
:30 of AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees

Monday, December 26, 2016

“Black and Blue”
5 rounds for time of:
10 Cleans (95lb.)
10 Burpees


Notes: Heart rate went up and stayed up. I need to get better at controlling heart rate in burpee/barbell workouts. 

3X12 Evil Wheels
2X0:30 Hollow Hold
1X15+12 Hollow Rocks + V-Ups

Friday, December 23, 2016

For Time:
40 Wall Balls
2000m Row
40 Wall Balls

*Do not strategize the 40 Wall Balls. Do as many as possible UB, with the goal being 40 UB.

The first set was UB, 2nd set was split 14/14/12.  

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Row 5,000 meters 

This is a good benchmark to measure progress. Pace it flat, keep the rating up, the last 1000 try to rate higher, sprint the last 300/500m.

First 1000 should feel easy, around 3000 in in starts to get tough, breathing will be hard, 4000 is probably a tad slower, last 1000 you should be able to bring it home. Should be the fastest split.


Notes: Average 500m split was 2:16.4. Set damper at 5 and pace boat to 2:12/500m. 
A: 10 Minute EMOM of:
6 V-Ups
6 KB Swings 44lb. KB
6 Box Step Ups 24" box

*If you can not complete the reps in the minute, skip the next round and complete a 30 second plank penalty. Then continue with the next round.

Rest until minute 11 -- Then

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds complete:
Row 300m

Try to go faster each round.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
Deadlift (155)
Calorie Row

Every 2 minutes on the minute for 10 minutes (5 rounds):
7 reps of HSPU

Note: All reps and sets were unbroken.
1 Power Clean (155)
3 Wall Balls (15-10')

15 Rounds

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

“Annie” + Cash Out Row

For Time: 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10

  • Double Unders (3:1 singles)
  • Sit Ups
At 10:00 minute mark row 1000m

10 Minute Time Cap on Annie. Add your undone reps to the total time. If you had 9 double unders and 10 sit ups left that is 19 reps so your time would be 10:19


Had finished round of 20 double unders at time cap. 
1000m Row
-Rest 1 Minute-
250m Row (X8)
-Rest 0:30 Seconds Between-
1000m Row

1 Minute Overhead Barbell Hold (45)
1 Minute Rest

Monday, December 19, 2016

For Time:
2000m row (8:10)
100 calories assault bike (7:29)
1000m row (3:59)
50 calories assault bike (3:29)

Note: Rest 3 minutes between efforts

Friday, December 16, 2016

1000m row/20 Toes To Bar:  3:53.7
750m row/40 GHD: 2:55.5
500m row/60 Situps: 1:51.6

Tabata Hollow Hold

Thursday, December 15, 2016

For Time:
10-1 reps of:
DB Snatches (70lb.)
Box Jumps (24-inch)


Note: I did step-ups rather than box jumps, legs were smoked after last few days of box jumps, squats, etc...

Tabata Hollow Hold

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

For Time:
2 Minute Handstand Hold
60 Squats
40 Handstand Shoulder Taps
60 Squats
20 Handstand Pushups


4X0:30 Hollow Hold
For Time:
30 GHD Situps
15 Hang Squat Cleans
24 GHD Situps
12 Hang Squat Cleans
18 GHD Situps
9 Hang Squat Cleans
12 GHD Situps
6 Hang Squat Cleans
6 GHD Situps
3 Hang Squat Cleans

Note: Hang Squat Cleans @ 95lbs


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

For Time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Situps
50 Box Jumps, 20-inch box
Five Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts @ 225lb.
25 Sit-ups


Hollow Rocks + V-Ups (3X15+12)

Monday, December 12, 2016

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of jump rope
1 minute of 35-lb. KB snatches
2 minutes of jump rope
2 minutes of 35-lb. KB snatches
3 minutes of jump rope
3 minutes of 35-lb. KB snatches

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

For Time:
1000m Row
3 Rounds:
30 Double Unders (3:1 singles)
20 KB Swings (44lb)

Note: There is a 15 minute time cap for this workout.

A: Hang Clean 5-5-5-5

Used 145lb. across all sets.

B: 10 Rounds:
200m Row
5 Back Squats @ 165lb.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

10 rounds, each for time, of:
100-meter sprint
Rest 90 seconds

Post times for each round to comments.

Notes: Used treadmill for sprints. Incline set at 1.0 and Speed varied between 9.0 and 10.0 mph. Because of the treadmill, these were more like 100m runs than all-out sprints. This workout is better completed at the football field.

9.0mph = 25 seconds X3
9.3mph = 24 seconds X2
9.5mph = 23 seconds X2
10.0mph = 22 seconds X3

Hollow Rocks+V-ups (3x15+12)
Handstand Hold (Accumulate 1:30)
For Time:

20 Pushups
40 Calorie Row
60 Pistols, alternating
40 Step-ups to 20" box, alternating
20 Pushups

Note: Pushups are hand-release.


Monday, December 5, 2016

For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
12 Burpees between each set

Note: 3:1 singles sub for double unders.


40 Evil Wheels
40 Hollow Rocks
Snatch EMOM

(6) Reps on the minute for (5) minutes - 95# Rest (2) Mins
(4) Reps on the minute for (5) minutes - 115# Rest (2) Mins
(3) Reps on the minute for (5) minutes - 125# Rest (2) Mins
(2) Reps on the minute for (5) minutes - 135# Rest (2) Mins

Failed 4th and 5th sets of 135lbs. This was a TEST!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A: Hang Clean
70%/3 (135)
80%/3 (155)
90%/3 (175)

B: From Crossfit Football; E Caf
Complete 10 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute.
*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.
*Your score is the total amount of meters rowed - goal is row at least 3000 meters
*Penalty is 1 handstand push up for every 5 meters under 3000 meters.
Post total meters rowed and if any penalties were assessed.

Notes: As rx'd this workout is for 3000m. Each time I have done previously, I have hit the 2500m goal that I scaled to. Didn't set a target for this workout -- new goal should be set at 2750m.

2661 total meters
1:52.7/500m pace
Best: 271m
Worst: 263m
Damper: 8

Friday, December 2, 2016

Crossfit Open 16.4
55 deadlifts @ 155lbs
55 wall balls to 8' target @ 20lbs
55 calorie row (damper set to 6)
55 handstand push-ups


Notes: Used Rx'd women's weights. Handstands were very difficult, muscle failure set in and I fell off my target pace early. Wanted to do 5X11 EMOM.

Core Work
5 rounds
10 Hollow Rocks

10 V-Ups

10 L-Sit Crunches

10 sec. Hollow Rock Hold

– Rest 1 min between rds –  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

AMRAP fifteen minutes:
10 Box Jumps Overs (20")
0:20 Hanging L Sit Hold

6 rounds + 5 box jumps