Monday, February 19, 2018

1. Clean and Jerk
On the Minute x 9 (3 Rounds)
Hang Power Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Notes: Do HPC 1st minute, Sq. Clns 2nd minute and Jerks on the 3rd minute
Round  1 – 145lbs
Round  2 – 165lbs
Round  3 – 180lbs

Rest 2:00

On the Minute x 3 (1 Round)
Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Minute 1 – 180lbs
Minute 2 – 185lbs
Minute 3 – 190lbs

2. Front Squat
6 Sets of 2:
Sets 1 + 2 – 205lbs
Sets 3 + 4 – 220lbs
Sets 5 + 6 – 235lbs

3. Conditioning
5 Rounds:
21 Air Squats
15 Calorie Row
12 Alternating KB Snatches (36)

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