Tuesday, March 10, 2020

50 Calorie Echo Bike
1000m SkiErg
2000m Row

Notes: This was done at about 75%. The setup at the Y does not allow for easy transition between machines. The bike was about 3.5 minutes with an average of 282 watts. Set the damper at 4 for both the SkiErg (70 drag) and the rower (82 drag 🤬). Held a 2:10 pace on the row until the last 500 when I picked up to about 1:56. The toughest of the three was the SkiErg — need to refine my technique to be more efficient. Even 1000m kills me.

Echo: 3:34 (282W)
SkiErg: 4:23.5 (70 DF)
Row: 8:30.6 (82 DF)

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