Monday, March 30, 2020

“Steady Betty”
4 Rounds (20:00 Total)
:40s Weighted Hollow Hold, :20s Rest
:40s KB Romanian Deadlifts, :20s Rest
:40s PVC OHS Hold, :20s Rest
:40s Wall-Sit, 1:20 Rest

Notes: Pulled this from COMPTRAIN Home Gym (3.29.2020). I read this incorrectly and rested 120 seconds instead of 1 minute and 20 seconds at the end of each round. Used 10lb plate for the hollow holds and 44lb KB for RDLs.  As written, athlete should perform single arm OHS hold (left and then right) for the last two exercises. The KB and DBs I have in the garage are too heavy for this, so I subbed the PVC hold and wall sit (with hands on head).

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