Sunday, March 15, 2020

With the Y closed for a couple of weeks due to coronavirus concerns, I am moving my workouts to No Excuses aka my garage gym. This will be good to add some variety to my training as I have been extremely biased towards rowing the last few months. Took this little garage piece from @alexanderson29 on Instagram. 

5 rounds: 
14 calorie assault bike
7 deadlifts 
7 slam balls 
7 shoulder to overhead

Used 50lb dumbbells for the deadlifts and 65lb barbell for the strict press. Assault bike was between 0:59 and 1:01 each round (avg watts were 330-340). Paced this at about 75% sustained effort throughout. The goal was to be capable of continuous work the entire time without any prolonged periods of rest. To build capacity, we must start long and slow and progress to short and fast with varying types of muscle contractions. 

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