Saturday, September 30, 2023

Mens VC Workout 
3 rounds for time of:
25 deadlifts*
25 calorie row
*90-pound barbell with fat gripz

The weight was too light - even with the fat gripz - but I knew Jordan had no prior exposure to them and wanted to keep things manageable. First two rounds were broken 15/10 and last round I held on for all 25. Jordan did the 1000m AAB intervals as written while I opted for the rower because of this annoying cough I have been dealing with all week. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

"Low: High"  
8 x 2 mins 
Spend the first minute at a lower rate and then step up to a higher rate for the second minute
1: r20-->r24
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r28-->r32
1 minute rest between rounds

Followed along with DH rowing vid from Rowvember 2021. Was a little slow on the "low" intervals on the back half of this one. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Part 1 
Single Distance
Rate: 22
Pace: 2k plus 11
Sub-max effort at the rate. I ended up around r23 for most of this effort trying to squeeze some speed. 

Part 2
Interval Distance
2 sets: 
4x 125m//rest 2:00
Full rest between sets
Use good technique (don't be sloppy). Row each of these as fast as you can sustain. #LastFast

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Workout 72 - RowErg - Whatcha Got, Hot Shot?! 
Warm Up (~5 Minutes)
Using 'just row'
5 Minute gradual build in Stroke Rate and Power
Workout (~20 Minutes)
Set the monitor to 'just row'
Set the units to 'watts'
10 Intervals of Work
Work = 17 Strokes Together
Take 2 strokes to sync up at target stroke rate, the next 5 strokes you will pull harder, gradually increasing the watts to a challenging number. The final 10 strokes you will work to sustain that number while maintaining good technique. 
You'll continue to row after each set of power tens, just take the intensity way down and take your stroke rate down to 20-22 -- don't stop rowing throughout the workout.
Stroke Rates targets for each interval:
4 @ 24
3 @ 26
2 @ 28
1 @ 30

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

This rhythmic ride today will have us rolling through waves of intensity at a variety of different rates.  Our focus is off of maximum power, but finding a different way to build up our stroke count. 
Warm Up:
Easy Rowing without Straps @ 20 Strokes per Minute 
100 Strokes* @20 
100 Strokes* @24
100 Strokes* @28
100 Strokes* @24/@28/@32
*Accumulating 100 strokes by 3 Rounds of 10 easy, 10 moderate, 10 hard; finish out the last 10 strokes easy. There is a brief rest period between each 100 strokes (~60-90 seconds).

Increased intensity while holding the same stroke rate requires a faster drive. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Workout 77 - RowErg - Back to Back and ‘Fourth’ 
4 Minutes (Warm Up)
Rate increase to Stroke Rate @26
Three 12 Minute Work Sets
4 Minutes at Steady State Endurance 
4 Minutes with 3 Short Higher Intensity Intervals
4 Minutes at Steady State Endurance 
No Rest Between Intervals

Forty minutes at r26? 💩 This was tough, but I am proud of the overall effort. That 26 rate was faster than what I am used to for this kind of volume. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps
*use double overhand grip with fat gripz
5s: 139, 149
3s: 159, 164, 169
1s: 174, 179, 184, 189

Few things are more enjoyable than a beautiful fall day lifting in the garage. First time using my Ohio bar in a while - I have been mostly using the trap bar for deadlifts while at the Y. 
Crossfit | 211003 
On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

Warmed up with with some hard intervals at increasing rates to get acclimated to race pace and rates needed for today's effort. During this workout you'll have decreasing rowing time and increasing rest. If you have more rest, row harder. Sounds simple right? A noble goal would be to keep everything under a 2:00 split. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Row Conditioning 
20 minutes 
DF 122

Rowed along with a Dark Horse vid which tests your stroke rate control working through some SPM changes with a nice little push right at the end. 

4 Sets
45-second plank
20 hollow rocks

Rest as needed between sets. Strive to remain unbroken with hollow rocks.

5:00 AMRAP
5 Front Plate Raises
10 Plate Bicep Curls
5 Plate Presses
Held 25# plate and finished five full sets. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday 230919 
Shoulder press 5-5-5 reps
Push press 3-3-3 reps
Push jerk 1-1-1 reps

Attempt to increase the weight after each successful set.
After completing the final set of each movement, perform a max set of L-sit pull-ups (sub dead hangs)

Strict press 3x5: 135/145/155lbs
Dead Hang: 31 seconds 

Push press 3x3: 175/185/195lbs
Dead Hang: 27 seconds

Push Jerk 3x1: 205/215/225lbs(fail)
Dead Hang: 30 seconds 

I just missed locking out the 225-pound bar on the push jerk, although these were almost more of a push press. Weak legs equals no lockout at the top of the drive. Photo is a still from the video at 225lbs. 

Midline A
3 Giant Sets:
50m double farmers carry (down the hall and back) 
25m SA overhead KB carry (left)
25m SA overhead KB carry (right)
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Midline B 
40 weighted sit-ups (14lbs)
40 single-leg v-ups
40 sit-ups

Used 35lbs for Midline A - should be a bit heavier - use 44lb KB next time out. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

10,000 meter row 
⏲️: 47:16.9
🎯: 2k plus 22
Rate: 19

I was not feeling my best this morning. The target was a 2:18.5 pace at r19 which I thought may be a little aggressive with how I was feeling. Tried to get faster with each 2000m interval. Not my best effort, but happy that I was able to finish. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

50-40-30-20-10 reps of: 
double unders*
straight-leg sit-ups
*double the volume if doing singles

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Double Pyramids 
2x 19 mins as follows:
4 @r18, 3 @r20, 2 @r22, 1 @r24, 2 @r22, 3 @r20, 4 @r18
2 mins rest
4 @r20, 3 @r22, 2 @r24, 1 @r26, 2 @r24, 3 @r22, 4 @r20

Woke up stiff after yesterday's squat session. This is just what my body needed. Take a little more time on the recovery during the low rate intervals so that you are able to maintain some intensity. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Tuesday 230912 
Overhead squat 5-5-5 reps
Front squat 3-3-3 reps
Back squat 1-1-1 reps

Attempt to increase the load after every set.


Warmed up with DH 10-minute build. Proper depth was not there for any of the three back squats. Should have switched to the safety squat bar for these. It's been a while since I went heavy and I am still favoring my knee. Photo is from 275-pound attempt. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Workout 8 - RowErg - Power Pyramid 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 
Warm Up (12 Minutes) Test the Waters
4 X 2:30 Work Intervals with :30 Rest in between
1 Min @ 22, 1 Min @ 24, 30 Secs @ 26
1 Min @ 24, 1 Min @ 26, 30 Secs @ 28
1 Min @ 26, 1 Min @ 28, 30 Secs @ 30
1 Min @ 28, 1 Min @ 30, 30 Secs @ 32

Workout (28 Minutes) Power Pyramid
14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between
2:00 // 1:45 // 1:30 // 1:15 // 1:00 // 0:45 // 0:30 // 0:30 // 0:45 // 1:00 / 1:15 // 1:30 // 1:45 // 2:00

Rate: 24
DF: 115

Best technique you can, find your rhythm, stay relaxed, squeeze on the POWER as the rest increases, accept the discomfort and enjoy the row. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

3 Rounds For Time
1000m row 
50 banded good mornings (red mini-band)
50 straight leg sit-ups

Today's main site WOD directed you to select a Hero workout of your choice. This is a play on the classic Michael workout. First and last intervals on the rower were used to warmup and cooldown. This is a lot of volume for both the good mornings and the sit-ups so be smart about when you break. 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday 230908
Clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps
For time:
10 clean and jerks at 70% of your heaviest single
10 clean and jerks at 80% of your heaviest single

1RM: 175-pounds 
Time: 4:40 @ 125 & 140-pounds

Not my best effort. My top-end strength has diminished for sure since I have been rowing so often. I failed the last clean at 185-pounds which is usually a no-doubt lift. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

5 Rounds 
50m sandbag suitcase carry 
15 sandbag push press
50m sandbag suitcase carry


Do the entire first carry on your right side and the entire second carry on your left, walking the length of the hallway and back down to get 50 meters. I used the 52-pound Rogue sandbag at the Y for the carries and push press. This was more metcon-y than I thought it would be. Warmed up with DH 10-minute build. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Workout 78 - RowErg - Step Down 
Workout 78: (Few Medium Length Hard Intervals) You can speed things up, but can you step them down AND stay under control? Control is tricky when speed changes. How hard you push shall be our constant. Try to keep the intensity the same throughout the entire 5 minutes. Aim for a 6-8 on the RPE scale. 
4 Sets of 5 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest (121 DF)
5 Minute Interval Breakdown:
5-3 Minutes: Build to a Fast Stroke Rate
3-2 Minutes: Drop 2 Beats and Hold Stroke Rate Steady
2-1 Minutes: Drop 2 Beats and Hold Stroke Rate Steady
1-0 Minutes: Drop 2 Beats and Hold Stroke Rate Steady

Set 1: Build to a 26 then drop down to 24-22-20 (this should be used as a warmup)
Set 2: Build to a 28 then drop down to 26-24-22
Set 3: Build to a 30 then drop down to 28-26-24
Set 4: Open Rate - I chose to stay with the 30-28-26-24 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Time Variable Intervals 
10 mins @ 55%
8 mins @ 60%
6 mins @ 65%
4 mins @ 70%
2 mins @ 75%
Rest 90 seconds between intervals

This was a repeat of a workout I did a few months back although this time I decided to hold the rate between 21-22 for all intervals. Intensity requires a faster drive. To row at a low stroke rate with intensity, you need to take a little more time on the recovery. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ 2:30 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:25 r19
rest 2:30
5 mins @ 2:20 r20
rest 2:30
2.5 mins @ 2:15 r21