Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday 230919 
Shoulder press 5-5-5 reps
Push press 3-3-3 reps
Push jerk 1-1-1 reps

Attempt to increase the weight after each successful set.
After completing the final set of each movement, perform a max set of L-sit pull-ups (sub dead hangs)

Strict press 3x5: 135/145/155lbs
Dead Hang: 31 seconds 

Push press 3x3: 175/185/195lbs
Dead Hang: 27 seconds

Push Jerk 3x1: 205/215/225lbs(fail)
Dead Hang: 30 seconds 

I just missed locking out the 225-pound bar on the push jerk, although these were almost more of a push press. Weak legs equals no lockout at the top of the drive. Photo is a still from the video at 225lbs. 

Midline A
3 Giant Sets:
50m double farmers carry (down the hall and back) 
25m SA overhead KB carry (left)
25m SA overhead KB carry (right)
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Midline B 
40 weighted sit-ups (14lbs)
40 single-leg v-ups
40 sit-ups

Used 35lbs for Midline A - should be a bit heavier - use 44lb KB next time out. 

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