Friday, March 29, 2024

ErgZone Challenge #7 - The Great Pyramid 
Thirteen one-minute splits with no rest
Rate change every minute: 18-20-22-24-26-28-30-28-26-24-22-20-18
You choose the wattage/pace for the initial split (first minute)
Scoring: One point for each split you meet the target SPI (watts divided by rate)

The ErgZone app will calculate and display the required wattage for the next split. While last time out was too fast, I was too conservative this time. Try again opening up at 128 WATTS (2:20 @r18). 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Deadstop Deadlifts
5 sets of 2 reps 
Work to heavy load (325#)

Used trap bar with handles up. 

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: Barbell Bench Press
30 Low-Banded Rows
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Used purple band for rows

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Workout 21 - Row It and Rank It 
30 Minutes, broken into five segments
10 Minutes @24 - Force Curve
8 Minutes @24 - Power 5s
6 Minutes @26 - Increased Stroke Rate
4 Minutes @26 - Power 10s
2 Minutes @28 - Full Power Finish

After the first set of Power 10s, my mind convinced me that the last five minutes would be unbearable. I wish I had ignored that voice in my head and powered through to finish. 

4x 12 SA KB bottoms-up press @17.5-pounds
4x 20 banded triceps pushdowns (purple band)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Workout 20 - RowErg - Four Squared For Power 
Reaching into the depths of our potential through 16 effective one minute intervals.  Hard work pays off...exponentially.
Warm Up:
4 Minute guided formal Warm Up with some power pieces for strength 
16 X 1 Minute of Work Intervals
(1 Minute of Rest in between)
Set 1:  4 Intervals @ 22
Set 2:  4 Intervals @ 24
Set 3:  4 Intervals @ 26
Set 4:  4 Intervals @ 28
Details of each set, we will dial in our comfort with the new stroke rate.  The last 3 intervals of each set, we aim to maximize the number of calories we can accumulate in that minute.  The ultimate goal is to maintain or increase the number of calories accumulated in each minute all the way through the workout.  (Effort is an 8 or 9 on the RPE Scale*)
Finish with 50 stroke cool down

Monday, March 25, 2024

Workout 63 - RowErg - Catch and Release 
Changing the damper changes our environment. We explore the range of possibilities that working with a flywheel offers. 
Warm Up:
1 Minute at 24 SPM
On Stroke / Off Stroke Ladder (1 through 10)
13 Intervals
2 Minutes of Moderate Intensity
30 Seconds of Rest (time to adjust the damper)
Damper Settings through the Intervals are as follows:
5 - 7 - 9  All @24 SPM 
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2  All @24 SPM
1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9  @20, @22, @24, @26, @28

The goal is to try and hold the same power throughout each of the first eight intervals at r24. At a high damper setting, the flywheel is slow, so it can feel heavy and slow at the catch. This means that you need to be quick and fast at the catch to get things moving. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Row Conditioning 
3 x 8:00 intervals, broken as follows
1: 2@r18, 2@r20, 2@r22, 2@r24
2: 2@r20, 2@r22, 2@r24, 2@r26
3: 2@r28, 2@r26, 2@r24, 2@r28

Followed along with this DH workout from YouTube. Turned the drag down about 15 ticks from where I would normally set. The focus is on smoothly changing rates during each eight-minute interval. Happy with the effort as I am still dealing with this nagging cough. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Workout 28 - RowErg - The Escalator 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 
11 Minute Interval (Steady State @22 Rate, building to @24, adding Power Strokes)
9 Minute Interval (9 x 50 sec Easy, 10 sec Power)
7 Min Interval (7 x 40 sec Easy, 20 sec Power)
5 Minute Interval (5 x 30 sec Easy, 30 sec Power)
3 Minute Interval (3 x 20 sec Easy, 40 sec Power)
1 Minute Interval (1 x 10 sec Easy, 50 sec Power)
1 Minute Rest Between Intervals

Focus was on the change in ratio at r24 between 'easy' and 'power' - drive speed is faster and recovery slows down - it is no longer a 1:1, instead closer to 1:2. 

Total Distance: 7834 meters
Damper/DF: 4 / 108

Monday, March 11, 2024

Rate: 24
DF: 120
🎯 170 watts or higher for all intervals (2:07.2/500m pace)

14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between

Each two minute interval that passes, we will increase the amount of rest by 15 seconds, until we reach the interval with 30 seconds work. At that point, we will gradually decrease the amount of each rest interval by 15 seconds until we get back to the 2 minute work interval. As the time of work decreases, we will work to increase the amount of power (in watts).

Friday, March 8, 2024

Row Conditioning
3000m x 3 rounds 
rest 2 minutes between rounds
🚣‍♂️ 18spm
🎯 2k plus 21

I wasn't able to hold the target splits at r18 but still happy with this effort and the consistency. Build that base!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

ErgZone Challenge #2 
Rate: 22
Pace: 2:16.3
DF: 115

The workout is 23 minutes, broken down into 1-minute splits. This one is about consistency at each split. Your goal is to repeat 22 times the same pace/watts and SPM you did on the first split. Think about that perfect screen. Score 1 point for each time the athlete meets the goals set on the first interval. 

Score: 21

Was oh so close to a perfect score. This was not stressful and very repeatable - consider this rate/pace combo for a 12-15k or maybe even a half-marathon if you sit for one again this summer. 

Core Values
45 second plank
100 medball sit-ups (10#)
45 second plank
100 russian twists (10#)
45 second plank

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Each split must be negative compared to previous split. The minimum is -0.1 secs. 

2 scores:
• Time of split 1
• Time of split 10

What I really enjoyed about this workout was the format and strategy behind it. It's like a puzzle, where you have to plan your pace for that first interval, knowing very well that you'll be scored. But hey, here's the catch: you have to drop your pace in each of the next nine intervals. Today was about taking it easy and enjoying the process rather than pushing to the limit and just logging those meters for MSM challenge. 

Accessory 🔥🔥
5 sets:
8 reps of 1-arm heavy DB bench press (alternate arms each set)
7 strict handstand push-ups

Used 60-lb DB for the bench press. Use both arms to get the DB in place and keep a slightly neutral angle. Extend free arm out a bit to the side for balance. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

300 Dart Challenge 
Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 12:04.4
Score: 13,930 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2766m

Try to keep every stroke the same. Same rate, same stroke length, same breathing pattern, same power application. The idea is to build exceptional consistency from stroke to stroke. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

For Time:
Row 500 meters 
50 medball sit-ups 12#
Row 1,000 meters
35 medball sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 medball sit-ups


Rows dropped off a bit more than I intended. Broke the sit-ups into sets of 13.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Workout 84 - RowErg - Alternation Fluctuation 
Warmup Into Workout:
30 X 1 Minute Intervals
Stroke Rate Targets

Use the first six intervals to warmup before increasing the power. This is a great workout to practice changing rates and finishing strong after a longer duration row. I turned the drag down to 100 and treated today as more of a recovery effort while still pushing myself on the r28 intervals to hold 170+ WATTS and empty the tank on the final three intervals (28-30-28). 

Friday, March 1, 2024

3 Rounds
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
75 Meter (Sprint) Row
75 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds
3 Rounds
250 Meter (Hard) Row
100 Meter (Easy) Row
150 Meter (Sprint) Row
Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds

The total workload in this session is low - and it has a LOT of rest. Looking for you to SEND IT on the sprints! Use the "easy" intervals to regain your composure and breathing. On the second 3 round section don't hold back on the "hard" interval to save it too much for the sprint at the end. The 75m sprints were pretty consistent across each of the three rounds. Was hovering around 1:50 (262 watts) pace most of the time with a peak of 1:45.5 (298 watts). Average 150m sprint in Part 2 was 33.2 seconds. Turned the drag all the way down for this one (DF 91). 

Score: Total Time for Part 1 7:56.6
Score: Time for Part 2 6:12.6