Friday, October 31, 2014

8 x 250m Row; 1 minute rest between efforts

1: 58.0 | 5: 59.7
2: 56.5 | 6: 57.4
3: 57.1 | 7: 55.8
4: 56.6 | 8: 56.4

Total Time: 7:37.6

Today's focus is executing a 2000m race plan at high intensity. This should not be an all out 250m max row, but rather a calculated effort at a split close to what you think your current 2000m split would be. The goal is to pull the lowest split possible, consistently through all 8 intervals.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A: Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2

B: Tabata Squats
20-18-17-17-15-16-14-16 reps

immediately into,

C: 400m Run For Time

Note: Run was done around perimeter of Y building. Roughly 400 meters.

Monday, October 27, 2014

A: 21-15-9 reps of:
Hang Snatches, 65#

B: Flexibility
4x0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch

C: Static Shaping
3x0:30 Arch Hold w/ 4lb PVC
3x0:30 Hollow Hold w/ 4lb PVC

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Eight Rounds:

7 Box Jumps @ 24"
5 Push Presses @ 95lbs
3 Front Squats @ 95lbs

Workout done at No Excuses.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10:00 Minute AMRAP:

DB Snatches @ 40lbs (alternate arms every 20 reps)

-then (no rest)-

10:00 Row for distance

A: 120 reps
B: 1951 meters

Notes: This week was pull, pull, pull all week long. I was smoked by the time I got onto the rower. 10 minutes were broken multiple times to shake out my arms.

Finished up with 50 Hollow Rocks holding 4lbs PVC overhead

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

For Time: (12 minute time cap)

1-10 Hang Cleans @ 95lbs
10-1 Ball Slams @ 25lbs
A: 3x5 Weighted Pistols @ 25lbs

B: 6 RFT:
135lb Front Squats, 3 Reps
24" Box Jumps, 6 Reps

Must clean bar from the ground.

C: 1:00 Each Of:
Hollow Hold w/PVC overhead
Arch Hold w/PVC overhead

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

65-pound Power Snatch, 75 reps for time.

Note: As Rx'd is 75-pound, workout done at No Excuses. Used 65-pound due to availability.
For Time:
200 Jump Ropes
95-lb Front Squats, 21 reps
95-lb Push Press, 21 reps
200 Jump Ropes
95-lb Front Squats, 15 reps
95-lb Push Press, 15 reps
200 Jump Ropes
95-lb Front Squats, 9 reps
95-lb Push Press, 9 reps

Note: Mainsite WOD FRIDAY 141010. Porch Scaling.

Friday, October 17, 2014

EMOM for 15 minutes:

12 Calorie Row
8 Snatches @ 95lbs
90 Singles

*Alternate each movement each minute.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

50 Lateral Burpees
50 Weighted Pistols, hold 15 KB

Note: Lateral jump over hurdle - 16-18". Used trash can at YMCA.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Shoulder Press 4-3-2-1
Push Press 4-3-2-1
Push Jerk 4-3-2-1

SP: 115-130-140-150lbs (PR)
PP: 150-165-185-195lbs (Matched PR)
PJ: 165-185-195-210lbs (PR)

Note: Compare to 100214

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Complete 5 rounds:
25 lbs Overhead Walking Lunge – 20 reps (10 RT/ 10 LT)
Sprint 200 yards

*Workout at Springer Track
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds. (Walk back to Slam Ball)
*Use a 25lb slam ball for overhead walking lunges.
*Back knee has to touch the ground to count as a rep.
*As Rx'd is 45lb plate and 30 lunges per round. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

10 RDS:

115 Pound Hang Power Clean, 3 reps
20" Box Jumps, 6 reps
Hollow Rocks, 9 reps

Note: Workout was done at No Excuses.

A: Strength
Pack - Main-site WOD 10/11/14
10:00 cap - snatches
10 @ 75#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 115#
10 @ 135#
10 @ 155#
Max reps @ 185#/125#

Completed (32) reps. Failed a few times on 135#, no surprise as my PR is 140#. 

B: Flexibility
4×0:20 Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch + 10 Immediate PVC Raises

C: Static Shaping
3×0:30 Chin to Toes HS Hold + 10 HS Shoulder Taps

Saturday, October 11, 2014

20 GHD Situps
20 HS Shoulder Taps (should have been 40; erred on rep count)
20 OWLS; 35lb plate overhead

2x0:30 Hollow Hold (hold 3lbs PVC above head) 

Messed up rep scheme. Blew through WOD unbroken. Should have used 45lbs plate for lunges. Consider 5 rounds next attempt.

Friday, October 10, 2014

"Angry Kelly"

3 RFT:
400m Run (outside; around the Y)
30 Box Jumps  20" box (small plyo box with 2 45lb plate stacked)
30 Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A: Hang Snatches
4-4-4-4-4 @ 115lbs
3-3-3-3-3 @ 125lbs
Note: EMOM 10 minutes. Straight run through from 115-125lbs

B: 500m Row

C: 50 Hollow Rocks

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A: On the minute for 5 minutes, perform:
(2) Push Jerks at 70% of max
B: Hang Squat Clean 2-2-2-2-2

A: 145lbs
B: 145-155-165-170-175lbs

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A: EMOM 20, Alternating Movements
Odd: 4 Back Squats @ 185lbs
Even: 6 HSPUS

- Rest 5 Minutes -

B:Metcon (Time)
300m Row
15 KB Swings @ 35lbs
20 Burpees
15 KB Swings @ 35lbs
300m Row

Note: This should be an all-out sprint.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Four rounds of:
5 x 0:45 Chin To Toes Handstand Hold
Front Squat
Tabata Ball Slams

A: 1:15 rest between efforts
B: 115-135-155-165-170lbs; must clean from ground
C: 20lbs

Friday, October 3, 2014

10 rounds, each for time of:
Row 250 meters
Rest 2 minutes

1: 55.6 | 6: 54.4
2: 52.9 | 7: 55.3
3: 55.7 | 8: 56.3
4: 55.7 | 9: 55.1
5: 56.0 | 10: 54.0

Total Time: 9:11.0
Total  Distance: 2500 meters
1:50.2/500 meters average pace

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Shoulder Press 4-3-2-1
Push Press 4-3-2-1
Push Jerk 4-3-2-1

SP: 115-125-130-140lbs
PP: 155-165-175-180lbs
PJ: 175-185-195-205lbs (PR)

40 Hollow Rocks
40 Arch Rocks
40 Evil Wheels

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

7 Minute Ascending Ladder
Deadlift (185lbs)
Rest 5 Min
7 Minute Ascending Ladder
Hang Cleans (135lbs)
*On the pistols each leg will be considered a rep.

A: 10(s) + 1 deadlift
B: 10(s)