Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Front Squat

Three attempts at a new 3RM.

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
15 Wall Balls 12lbs
30 Kettlebell Swings 40lbs
45 Double-Unders (2:1 Singles)

A: 205lbs
B: 3+20 KB Swings

Monday, September 28, 2015

A: Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2

B: 5 Rounds:
2 Thrusters @ 70% of A
5 Box Jumps @ 24"

Notes: Best lift for A was 165-pounds. Used 115-pounds for B. 
A: EMOM for 7:00-
2 T&G Power Snatches – begin around 65% of max Power Snatch and work to a max double for the day

B: 10 Minute AMRAP:
15 Ball Slams

Note: Use 25lb Slam Ball For Both.

A: Best lift was 135x2. Was able to get 140-pounds for a single on last set.
B: (5) Rounds Even. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A: Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes x 7 rounds:
1 Shoulder press

*Add weight each round

B: 3 rounds for max reps:
:30 Handstand hold followed immediately by max rep set of handstand push-ups
Rest 2 minutes

A: Best lift was 160-pounds. Couldn't get 165# off my chest.
B: 8-6-4 reps. This became increasingly more difficult per round. Used wrist wraps. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Three Rounds:
15 Power Snatches, 75-pounds
15 Box Jumps, 20-inch box

This should hurt. Go fast.
A. Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets) of:
Clean x (rest 10 seconds between singles)
Rest 30 seconds
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x max reps Note weight used and reps achieved.

HSPU - 10 reps for each round

B: 4 Rounds:
100 Singles
25 V-Ups/Hollow Rocks/Evil Wheels/Hanging Knee Raises

Thursday, September 24, 2015

3RFT: 20 Minute Time Cap

20 V-Ups, hold bender ball overhead
20 OWLS, hold 25lbs plate overhead
20 Burpees


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

EMOM for 7:00-
2 T&G Power Snatches – begin around 60% of max Power Snatch and work to a max double for the day
5 rounds of:
:30 ME Front Squats @ 70%
:30 Rest
:30 HS Shoulder Taps
:30 Rest

A: Hit final two sets @ 135lbs
B: Opted to go with SUSTAINABLE PACING throughout -- (7) front squats and (21) HS Shoulder Taps across each set. Used 125lbs on the FS. 1RM is 225lbs, 70% is 150lbs. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

3 Rounds, For Time:
5 Deadlifts, 255lbs
10 Alternating Pistols, 20lbs
30 Handstand Push-Ups
Crossfit Open WOD 15.5 

27-21-15-9 reps of:
Row (Calories)

Note: used women's Rx weight of 65lbs on the thrusters.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.


Notes: Ran at football field on Wickersham. True 50 yard sprint as measured on the field.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

For Time: (15) Minute Cap:
15 Snatches @ 60% (85lbs)
12 Snatches @ 70% (100lbs)
9 Snatches @ 80% (110lbs)
6 Snatches @ 90% (125lbs)
3 Snatches @ 100% (140lbs)

Failed all lifts at 140lbs. Workout at Jennersville Y.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Crossfit Open Workout 15.1  (Scaled)

Complete as many rounds and reps as
possible in 9 minutes of:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts (85lb.)
5 snatches (85lb.)

Crossfit Open Workout 15.1a
1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap
Movement Standards:
The hanging knee raise begins just like the toes-to-bar but ends when the athlete has raised their knees above the height of their hip.

15.1: 150 reps (5 full)
15.1a: 185lbs

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A: OHS 6X2 @ 115lbs.
B: Snatch Grip Push Press 6x2 @ 135lbs.
C: EMOM 10-12-14-16-18-16-14-12-10 reps of wall balls. 

Notes: A&B -- Rest :90 seconds between sets. Must take bar from ground. Used 15lb wall ball. 

A: Squat Clean
10 rounds, on the 2:00 start of:
1 squat clean + 1 front squat + push jerk
Start at 75% and go up as you can.

B: 5 rounds for completion of:
run 150 meters (.09 miles; manual treadmill)
12 one-arm KB thrusters, 30lb KB

Notes: Best lift was 185lbs for A. Failed 2x at 190lbs. As Rx'd part B called for 12 DB thrusters. Was planning on using 25lbs DB, but used KB due to availability at Y.

Monday, September 14, 2015

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Double Unders (3:1) Singles

Friday, September 11, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

For Time:
30 Clean & Jerks


Note: Change weight after every 5 reps. One bar -- change your own weights. Used Rx'd women's weight of 95, 105, 125, 145, 155, 165 lb.

A:EMOM for 5:00- (2) T&G Power Snatches
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Snatch & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

B: EMOM for 5:00-
(2) T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Clean & Push Jerk & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

C: (2) Rounds of:
30 HS Shoulder Taps
30 Splits Jumps (each jump = 1 rep)
30 KBS 16kg (44lbs)

A: 115-120-125-135-140lbs(F)
B: 145-155-160-165-170lbs

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A: Four Rounds:
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters

B: Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Hang Clean + (1) Push Jerk @ 225lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 225lbs. If you cannot do 225lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 155lbs.

Next time out, try workout at 165lbs. Finished this without much trouble. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

A: 4X3 T&G Power Snatches – work to a 3rm, rest 90 sec. between sets
B: 1XME UB T&G Power Snatches @ 80% of heaviest completed set of 3 from #1

A: 135 pounds
B: (11) reps @ 110lbs

Sunday, September 6, 2015

2015 Regional Event 3
For time:
800m run
75-lb. overhead squats, 25 reps
50 Hollow Rocks
200 Jump Ropes
75-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 25 reps
50 box jumps, 20 inches

Notes: Pack Scaling. Lighter load and rep counts; subbed hollow rocks for GHD due to availabilty - WOD done at No Excuses Oxford. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

For time:
-“Grace”: 30x clean and jerk
*Goal for this is to be unbroken. Any break that you have, which will constitute your hands coming off the bar, immediately add 5 reps to the RX’d amount. 

3:22 -- broke at 19 reps using 75-pound bar. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Clean and Jerk 15-12-9 reps
Touch and go. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets. A forearm burner...pick your weight wisely.

Notes: 12 reps on first set; grip was failing me. Could have powered through. Used wraps on 12/9 sets, not on 15. This workout is just as much mental toughness as physical. Used 115lbs for the workout.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

10-1 KB Swings @ 44lbs
1-10 OHS @ 95lbs


Workout done at No Excuses. Must take bar from ground.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A: Five Rounds:
1:00 minute Row
10 Evil Wheels

B: Horrible Hundred
25 Deadlifts @ 165lbs
25 Hang Cleans @ 95lbs
25 Thrusters @ 75lbs
25 SDHP @ 45lbs

Use one bar, change your own weights.