Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A: 12 minute AMRAP
1000m row
60 KB snatch (35)
50 wall balls (15)
30 burpees
200m run

Notes: Steady pace on the row, big sets on the snatches. No more than 3 sets on the wall balls and try to get through as many burpees as possible. Finished with 40 wall balls. Arms were smoked from pull-ups on Sunday. I wanted to get into the burpees, but couldn't put together big sets on the snatches. Wanted to do 10/arm then break, but was breaking after each set of 10. Got to wall balls with just over 2 minutes to go. Row was 3:57.7.

B: Power Snatch (3) + Hang Squat Snatch (2)
95-115-135. Failed hang snatch at 135.

C: 5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest

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