Friday, May 26, 2017

A: Deadlift:
10-8-6 (touch and go)
Record: weight


B: For Time:
21 Deadlifts (315/225), 45 DB Thrusters (40/25)
Record: time and weight of DL

5:28 (225/25)

-->Deadlift: Spend a good amount of time warming up to the appropriate loading for the 10 so that you don't feel like you went too light/heavy after the set. Goal is increase weight on each set as the volume decreases, but priority is touch and go. Bar must remain in hands for entirety of set. Metcon: Coming off the strength portion you should have a pretty good idea of what you might be capable of over the course of let's say 3-4 sets in the workout. It should be pretty heavy, but move safe. It's going to feel VERY heavy coming off of the DL's, but think of a game plan for yourself depending on how you typically approach a burner type of workout. Two general approaches: 1) small sets, short rest 2) big sets, longer rest. Kind of a duh moment, but choose something that benefits your abilities.

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