Tuesday, December 8, 2020

5 Rounds
1:00 Max Cals Assault Bike (arms only)
1:00 Max Push-ups
2:00 Rest

This is a super cool piece per @scaled_fitness (12.8.20). It is also unusual for us. We are targeting muscular endurance. We are focusing narrowly on the arms and we are pairing movements that don't require much starting or limiting strength. That's because we want you to be able to sustain them for a longer-ish period of time. In other words, we want movements that allow the muscle juice to last a little longer but for which the lungs cannot do much. This also explains the rest period, we want you to recover enough so that you can keep hitting it hard. 

These were standard push-ups, not hand release. The bike was between 50-52 RPMs each time out. The pump stayed with me for some time after this workout. 


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