Monday, December 14, 2020

A: Muscle Snatch (5 x 3 (Moderate Weight))  75-pounds

B: Power Snatch (6 x 1 (One every 90 seconds for 9 min)) 119-pounds
Pick a weight you can hold across all 6.
Rest 1 min to change weight before the next part.

C: Power Snatch (4 x 1 (One every 90 seconds for 6 Min)) 129-pounds
Add weight for the next 4. Still one every 90 seconds.
Rest 1 min and add weight before the next part.

D: Power Snatch (2 x 1 (One every 90 Seconds for 3 Min)) 134 & 139-pounds
Go up in weight one more time for these last 2 reps. If you are feeling it you can go up between these 2 also.

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