Monday, December 21, 2020

18x :40 work // 1:20 rest
Eagle (>190/170/160)
Birdie (>180/160/150)
Par (>170/150/140)
Bogey (>160/140/130)

Each Interval Score Your Meters

This workout comes courtesy of Tucson Indoor Rowing Club and is a fun way to get in a bunch of intervals and have some extra motivation to go quickly. We have some expert/intermediate/beginner goals but for the elite guys and girls, you can add 10m to the expert distances and give that a rip. Finished with a score of 16 under par using the expert goals. After the fourth interval, I went inside to pee quick and missed the start of the next interval so I took a "0". Next time out, shoot for 20 under or better. 

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