Thursday, February 29, 2024

Row'd Royalty 23.4 
“F_ _ _ K”
ROW 1,000m + 3000M + 1000M – NO REST

Row the following distances in order, with no rest:
1000 Meters
3000 Meters
1000 Meters

A: First 1,000 Meter Row Time 4:10.7
B. Last 1,000 Meter Row Time 4:10.6
C. Total Time – 5000 Meters 21:45.3

I like doing 5ks but since we're being scored on that first 1k, I couldn't work up to my target pace like I normally might. Use the first 500-750 of the 3000m to recover before getting back into a manageable pace. Look to hit negative splits during each of the three middle 1000s -- maybe 2:15, 2:12 and 2:10. Gradually get faster throughout the last 1000m interval, leaving enough in the tank to sprint the final 300m. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

EMOM 16 
*4 rounds each

1) 12 SDHP @ 65lbs
2) 30 Russian Twists @ 12lbs
3) 12 Strict Press @ 65lbs
4) 40-second high plank

Warmed up on the rower before hitting this EMOM. Tougher than I thought, but that may have been a result of the humidity in the gym this morning. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

3x 8mins work / 2mins rest
Rate: 18/20/22/24; increase by 2spm every 2 mins
Pace: 65%/75%/85%/95% corresponding with each rate increase

65% = 2:14.8
75% = 2:08.5
85% = 2:03.2
95% = 1:58.8

Followed along with a vid from DH rowing. Looking back, I paced this too much. Not sure target paces are sustainable at the prescribed rates over eight minutes, but if you don't try, you'll never know. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

Workout 88 - RowErg - High-Water Mark 
Warm up into Workout
3 X 9 Minute Intervals / 3 Minute Rest 
Round 1: Warm Up to understand Format
Round 2: Practice Stroke Rates for Performance 
Round 3: Full Test
Format of each Interval:
2 minutes easy // 1 minute max intensity // 6 minutes moving from complete active recovery back up to maximum intensity for at least 2 strokes.

These short max efforts will test your ability to recover while still working. Try to hit the highest WATTS while remaining in control during the one minute max interval.  Remember this number as you'll try to exceed during the last 2-3 strokes. Touched 232 WATTS during one-minute interval using stroke rate of 30 and 247 on my last stroke. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Row Conditioning 
Rate changes every 1000m

Set the drag 7-10 ticks lower than normal and held a moderately easy pace for most of the time. Finished with hard power 10 to sneak in at 22:20. 

4 sets:
20 banded triceps pushdowns (purple band)
12 seated banded shoulder presses 
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Workout 55 - RowErg - Pendulum Conundrum 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

9x1:40 on, :20 off (2 minute rest after round 5)

Note: This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose 'Select Workout' then 'Custom List' then 'v1:40/20 r...9'.

Once you are nice and warm, you'll then set the damper to your choice and complete the Tabata portion of the workout. The r30 @ 9 and r28 @ 8 were just plain nasty πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅. For Tabata intervals, choose a damper you want to experiment with. I set the damper at 6 with a DF of 138.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Workout 72 - RowErg - Whatcha Got, Hot Shot?! 
Warm Up (~5 Minutes)
Using 'just row'
5 Minute gradual build in Stroke Rate and Power
Workout (~20 Minutes)
Set the monitor to 'just row'
Set the units to 'watts'
10 Intervals of Work
Work = 17 Strokes Together
Take 2 strokes to sync up at target stroke rate, the next 5 strokes you will pull harder, gradually increasing the watts to a challenging number. The final 10 strokes you will work to sustain that number while maintaining good technique. 
You'll continue to row after each set of power tens, just take the intensity way down and take your stroke rate down to 20-22 -- don't stop rowing throughout the workout.
Stroke Rates targets for each interval:
4 @ 24
3 @ 26
2 @ 28
1 @ 30

Core Values
100 Russian Twists
*every time you break, do 30 second plank on each side before resuming

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

12 Minute Alternating EMOM 
(6 Total Rounds)
Min 1: 15 Barbell Deadlift
Min 2: 15 Cal Assault Bike

Score: Deadlift Weight (155-pounds)
Score: Slowest Bike Time (57 seconds)

This wasn't technically an EMOM because of where the Echo bike is located at the Y. Used trap bar with handles up for deadlifts - although I could have gone unbroken, I broke each set into 9 then 6 reps. With this in mind, I should have gone heavier - maybe 175-pounds. The walk from deadlift to bike was about 20-25 seconds each way. Bike rounds were 57-54-52-52-55 and 50 seconds. #lastfast πŸ‡πŸ’¨πŸŽ†

Monday, February 19, 2024

Row Conditioning 
12//9//6//3 minutes
2:30 rest between each interval
12min @ r20 
9min @ r22
6min @ r24
3min @ r26

Pace: Start at 2k plus 16 for r20 effort. Increase split by 3/4/5 seconds for each rate change. Start at 2:12.5 and last interval done at 2:00.5. 

I didn't have it in me after Saturday's max effort. I was already behind the target pace through the first two intervals and knew the final two wouldn't be any better so I bailed halfway through and attempted February's ErgZone challenge. 

Two scores:
Max meters 
Max watts

Rules: You only have 10 strokes. More than that will invalidate your result. Don't end the workout before the 1-minute finishes, it will invalidate your result. 
Tried this twice - turned the damper down to 1 so the fan would run between strokes accumulating meters. 

5x 12+:10 seconds Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold

Saturday, February 17, 2024

8x 1:00 work // 3:00 rest 
🎯 250m+ each interval
Rate: 20 
DF 123

Your target pace should be a controlled max effort - anywhere from 2k plus 2 to 2k plus 6 is likely. If you can go faster, go faster. Chase something challenging that you can (hopefully) sustain. Paddle lightly during rest periods (or don't). 

Friday, February 16, 2024

2 Sets 
20 seconds rest
4 minutes rest between sets
🎯 120% (1:49.5)
DF 128 

Put in a good warmup before hitting these sprints. While short, these will feel sharp and gassy. Try to hold at or above 120% for each, knowing you may fade as you get into later rounds. Drag needs to be a bit higher for these sprints, around 135-140. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Workout 18 - RowErg - To The Nines 
Warm Up: (9 Minutes)
1 Min @16 Easy, 1 Min @18 Easy, 1 Min @20 Easy, 1 Min @22 Easy, 1 Min @24 Easy, 1 Min @26 Easy, 1 Min @26 Moderate, 1 Min @26 Hard
Workout: (27 Minutes) 
These three 9 minute intervals will consist of easy, moderate and hard segments.  We maintain our stroke rate at 26 for the entire workout.  We will rest for 2 minutes between intervals.  Choose your intensity appropriately.  Your "Easy" should be a 4-5 on the Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE), your "Moderate" should be 6-7, and your "Hard" can be 8-9 (but note that you will need to hold that intensity ultimately for 3 minutes). Use this effort to train your stamina.
1 Min Hard, 2 Min Easy, 3 Min Moderate, 2 Min Easy, 1 Min Hard
1 Min Moderate,2 Min Hard, 3 Min Easy, 2 Min Hard, 1 Min Moderate
1 Min Easy, 2 Min Moderate, 3 Min Hard, 2 Min Moderate, 1 Min Easy

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3 barbell bench press @ 165-185-205-215-pounds
30 banded triceps push-downs (two hands with purple band)

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

E2MOM for 10min: 
:20 second AMRAP Echo Bike Cals
E2MOM for 10min:
:20 second AMRAP Row cals
For Total Calories

Now that I have passed the 5 million meter mark on the rower, I want to start mixing in some more variety to my cardio workouts. Echo sprints are a great way to improve muscular endurance and stamina. Touched 90rpms on the bike each round and 1400+ calories on the rower, going north of 1500 during the fourth round. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ 2:29 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:24 r19
rest 2:00
5 mins @ 2:19 r20
rest 1:30
2.5 mins @ 2:14 r21

Body was sore after a lot of pickleball this past weekend. Was looking for some easy meters followed by a good stretch session. 

Friday, February 9, 2024

'Everything is Equal' 
15 rounds of:
1 min work 1 min rest
Rounds 1-14 26 SPM aim to achieve EXACTLY the same meterage each round.
Round 15 30+SPM MAX distance effort.

Followed along with DH vid. You have to be able to hold whatever you do on the first round for every round so don't come out too hot. Set my target at 243m (2:03.5 pace). Controlled chaos on the last round with goal of sub-1:50.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

ErgZone Challenges #8: The Dragon
8 rounds
20 seconds
24 calories

Score A: fastest 24 calories 1:16.4 
Score B: slowest 24 calories 2:32.7 

Use the 20 seconds to breathe in and then spit fire on the 24 calories. Pace and rate are up to you. Put in a good warmup before attacking this one. So TOUGH πŸ˜…πŸ˜…! The 20 second intervals felt like nothing and I was getting progressively slower with each 24 calorie interval. Sandbagged the next-to-last round so that I could sprint the final round.  

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Shoulder Press 8-6-4-3-2-1-1 reps 

Pleased with how smooth the lift was at 180-pounds. Maintain a stable midline throughout and achieve full range of motion to be considered a good lift. 

15 handstand pushups
50 kb push press 27.5-pounds
400m farmers carry 44-pounds

Broke the handstands 11 & 4. The DB and KB will feel much heavier after shoulder press and handstand push-ups. Just keep chipping away and get the work done. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

As The Flywheel Spins Workout 26 
No meters to count, no calories to burn, no watts to hold, 500 is the number of strokes rowed in this workout. That's it, we row 500 strokes.  
NOTE: "On" = Powerful Strokes  "Off" = Easy Strokes
Segment 1 (Warm Up): (200 Strokes @24)
30 Strokes Off / 10 Strokes On
25 Strokes Off / 15 Strokes On
20 Strokes Off / 20 Strokes On 
15 Strokes Off / 25 Strokes On
10 Strokes Off / 30 Strokes On
Segment 2: (100 Strokes @26)
5 Rounds...
5 Strokes To Build
10 Strokes For Power
5 Strokes Off
Segment 3: (200 Strokes @22)
Stroke Pyramid 1 On / 1 Off, 2 On / 2 Off...10 On / 10 Off, 9 On / 9 Off back down to 1 On / 1 Off

Monday, February 5, 2024

Workout 32 - RowErg - In Sync 
Warm Up:
10 Rounds of...
45 Seconds of Easy Rowing @22 SPM (Strokes Per Minute)
15 Seconds of Power at Increasing SPMs*
*2 Rounds @22, 2 Rounds @24, 2 Rounds @26, 2 Rounds @28, 2 Rounds @30

4 Rounds...
2 Minutes @24 Easy
1 Minute @24 Hard
30 Seconds Hard Speed Burst at Increasing SPMs*
30 Seconds REST
*Round 1 @26, Round 2 @28, Round 3 @30, Round 4 @32

Focus was on maintaining length when increasing the stroke rate. Don't compromise the order of operations or shorten your stroke just to hit those r30 or r32 strokes.  

Friday, February 2, 2024

Four Rounds 
9 Calorie Row
9 Deadlifts @ 150-pounds
Rest 1:00
Three Rounds
Rest 1:00 
Two Rounds

Feel: Gas
Pace: Reach 

Warmed up on the rower, working up to a r30 for around 30 seconds. Similar movement patterns here. Drive through your legs and maintain tension by having that straight arm while pulling. The goal is to stay unbroken and race through every round at a pace that you couldn't hold for all 9 rounds knowing that you have a couple of extended rest periods after rounds four and seven. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Workout 97 - RowErg - Define your Priority 
4 minutes @ 22
3 minutes @ 24
2 minutes @ 22
1 minute @ r28 max effort (average watts 230)
5 minute rest
20 steady minutes @ 24 (4308 total meters)

DF 110

No rest between the first four intervals, you should row for ten continuous minutes. Use the first three intervals as a warmup before sending it during the one-minute max effort. For the 20 minute piece, take your average watts from one-minute max effort and divide in half. At the 10 minute mark, bump up 10-15 watts, then again at the 5 minute, 2.5 minute and finally at the 45 second mark. Last 45 seconds were done around 190 watts.