Thursday, February 1, 2024

Workout 97 - RowErg - Define your Priority 
4 minutes @ 22
3 minutes @ 24
2 minutes @ 22
1 minute @ r28 max effort (average watts 230)
5 minute rest
20 steady minutes @ 24 (4308 total meters)

DF 110

No rest between the first four intervals, you should row for ten continuous minutes. Use the first three intervals as a warmup before sending it during the one-minute max effort. For the 20 minute piece, take your average watts from one-minute max effort and divide in half. At the 10 minute mark, bump up 10-15 watts, then again at the 5 minute, 2.5 minute and finally at the 45 second mark. Last 45 seconds were done around 190 watts. 

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