Monday, February 26, 2024

Workout 88 - RowErg - High-Water Mark 
Warm up into Workout
3 X 9 Minute Intervals / 3 Minute Rest 
Round 1: Warm Up to understand Format
Round 2: Practice Stroke Rates for Performance 
Round 3: Full Test
Format of each Interval:
2 minutes easy // 1 minute max intensity // 6 minutes moving from complete active recovery back up to maximum intensity for at least 2 strokes.

These short max efforts will test your ability to recover while still working. Try to hit the highest WATTS while remaining in control during the one minute max interval.  Remember this number as you'll try to exceed during the last 2-3 strokes. Touched 232 WATTS during one-minute interval using stroke rate of 30 and 247 on my last stroke. 

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