Tuesday, February 20, 2024

12 Minute Alternating EMOM 
(6 Total Rounds)
Min 1: 15 Barbell Deadlift
Min 2: 15 Cal Assault Bike

Score: Deadlift Weight (155-pounds)
Score: Slowest Bike Time (57 seconds)

This wasn't technically an EMOM because of where the Echo bike is located at the Y. Used trap bar with handles up for deadlifts - although I could have gone unbroken, I broke each set into 9 then 6 reps. With this in mind, I should have gone heavier - maybe 175-pounds. The walk from deadlift to bike was about 20-25 seconds each way. Bike rounds were 57-54-52-52-55 and 50 seconds. #lastfast 🐇💨🎆

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