Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Row Intervals 
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
Rate 24
Pace: Moderate 

This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower that I adapted for use on Stairmaster HIIT rower at Taipei Sheraton. Kept the 20 second rest period for all rounds as it is difficult to program this machine. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

'Rowing Annie'
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
calories rowed
weighted sit-ups

Used the Stairmaster HIIT rower here at the hotel again. Held 5kg plate for the sit-ups, touch floor behind head at bottom of rep and floor between ankles at the top. Aim to keep sit-ups unbroken  -- had to break once during the round of 50 and 40, otherwise done unbroken.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Row Conditioning 
Rate 23

Used the rower in the hotel gym again this morning to tackle this benchmark distance. Finished 5025 meters in 20:34 which works out to 2:02.7 pace -- hard to tell how that translates to the C2. Still delivered a good sweat with a sub-max effort. 
Row Intervals 
1 min on, 1 min off
2 min on, 2 min off
3 min on, 3 min off
4 min on, 4 min off
Rate: 20 
Paddle lightly during "off" minutes. 

Was thrilled to see a rower in the hotel gym in Taiwan! It is a Stairmaster HIIT which is very similar in look and feel to the C2, although the monitor is hard to program and I can't capture workouts in ErgData. Really just wanted to unlock my body after the plane ride and rowed along with a DH video. Held a 2:15 pace during the work periods. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Two Rounds
100 drag rope singles
40 push-ups
40 alternating v-ups

Another hotel workout here in Hong Kong. Break the pushups early and often as the overall volume will sneak up on you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

Double the volume on the jump rope if doing singles. Used drag rope and did straight leg sit-ups in gym at Park Lane Hotel in Hong Kong. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

'Everything is Equal' 
15 rounds of:
1 min work 1 min rest
Rounds 1-14 26 SPM aim to achieve EXACTLY the same meterage each round.
Round 15 30+SPM MAX distance effort.

Followed along with DH vid out in the garage. Set a challenging yet repeatable target during the first round, knowing you'll have to hit that target thirteen more times. Landed on 241m (2:04.4) during that first round. Just missed a perfect screen, missing the target during the last two rounds. Happy with the consistency and power output at a lower drag. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Warm Up:
8 Continuous Minutes of Rowing
4 Rounds of increasing power...
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 24
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 26
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 28
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 30

6x :20 work //:20 rest @ r24
6x :20 work //:30 rest @ r26
6x :20 work //:40 rest @ r28
Five Minutes of Fun: 
For 5 Minutes, holding a Stroke Rate of 24, complete 5 rounds of...
50 Seconds of Moderate Intensity 
10 Seconds of Maximum Power 

The goal was negative splits during each of the :20 sprint intervals. Was very pleased with the power I was able to generate with the drag set to 100. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Row Intervals  
4 x 1:00 @ 28spm / 1:30 @ 22spm / :30 rest

Negative contrast work: maintain the SPI from the minute work at r22 to the ninety seconds at r22. Again I had the drag turned down to the high 80s and was too slow on the r22 work. Need to hold 145-150 WATTS at r22 to match my output at r28.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Rowing Intervals 
2 sets of 11 reps:
40 seconds work // 20 seconds rest
Rate changes with each rep
Rest 3 minutes between each set

Your focus today should be on hitting rate targets. Do not be concerned with power, but be bold and have fun! Kept the drag low again today, but pushed myself a bit on these to hit some higher wattage numbers. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CTC May 2024 - 1814 
Row 1 minute
Row 8 minutes
Row 1 minute
Row 4 minutes
1 minute rest between each

I tweaked my low back some yesterday with the sandbag carries and wanted to keep things somewhat chill today. I turned the drag down to 88 and kept the rate at 22 for each of the four intervals. Felt good enough to push on the second one-minute interval and was happy with the pace I was able to find. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

5 Rounds 
12 v-ups
150-foot sandbag carry
21 calorie row

Holding the bag against your chest restricts your breathing making this that much tougher. Walk from garage door across the street and back and keep a steady pace on the rower. Was short on time and did not spend any time warming up which showed during my first row. These should be closer to 950-1000 calories per hour pace. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Workout 44 - RowErg - Opportunity Knocks 
Warm Up: 
5 Rounds...
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Powerful
5 Rounds of 2 Minutes of Work
Each Work Segment 
5 Strokes to Build
10 Strokes at a Powerful Steady Cruise
Easy the remainder of the 2 Minutes
5 Rounds of 3 Minutes of Work
Each Work Segment
5 Strokes to Build
5 Strokes at a Powerful Steady Cruise
A Set of Power Burst Strokes
10 Strokes at a Powerful Steady Cruise
Easy the remainder of the 3 Minutes

Thursday, May 9, 2024

1 minute work // 30 seconds rest 
Rate: 24-26

Use the first five intervals to warm-up. Paddle lightly during rest periods. Because we'll be rowing for 30 minutes straight, these will not be all-out efforts. Instead, pick a pace that would challenge you for 20 minutes. Settled on my 5K pace, getting faster during the last five intervals. #lastfast

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Workout 14 - RowErg - Raise You 20 
Warm Up 
3:00 WORK @24 
3:00 WORK @24/26/28
3:00 WORK @28
WORK intensity is defined as...
:60 Easy, :20 Very Easy, :40 Moderate, :40 Very Easy, :20 Hard

Segment 1:  8 Rounds of 20 Second Sprints @28 with 10 Seconds Rest in between 
~2 Minute BREAK 
Segment 2:  4 Rounds of 40 Second Sprints @28 with 20 Seconds Rest in between 
~2 Minute BREAK 
Segment 3:  2 Rounds of 60 Second Sprints @28 with 30 Seconds Rest in between 
Bumped up the drag a bit for these sprints (DF 136). My goal was consistency across all sets of a particular segment. I was able to get faster during the longer intervals. I think this is because it took me a few seconds to settle into r28 before I was able to apply the power. This workout was actually done Wednesday May 7, I just forgot to log it. 
Skeleton Crew Challenge - Workout 6 
Time: 20 minutes, as follows:
5:00 easy (warmup)
4:00 moderate @ r24 (WATTS ~150)
3:00 easy 
2:00 moderate/hard @ r26 (WATTS ~170)
1:00 easy
5:00 hard (2:00 @ r24; 2:00 @ r26, 1:00 @ r28)
🎯 4500m (2:13.3 average)

Was short on time this morning, this was just what I needed - 20 minutes and a good sweat. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Workout 101 - As The Flywheel Spins 
Three Rounds
7x 1:00 work | :30 rest 
2-ish minutes rest between rounds

First round should be used as a warmup. Focus is on practicing the sprint start before settling into your target rate (25). Sprint start is initiated with the legs. Four solid strokes, prioritizing the legs -- 1/2, 1/2, 3/4 and full stroke. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Workout 55 - RowErg - Pendulum Conundrum 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 
9x1:40 on, :20 off (2 minute rest after round 5)
Note: This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose 'Select Workout' then 'Custom List' then 'v1:40/20 r...9'.

Once you are nice and warm, you'll then set the damper to your choice and complete the Tabata portion of the workout. For Tabata intervals, choose a damper you want to experiment with. I set the damper at 3 with a DF of 96. Recommended RPE is 9 - even at a lower drag, all intervals should be done below your 2K pace. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

10 RFT:
6 Deadlifts @ 185lbs

Head to sand bell for HSPU - these were smooth and fast and I kept all sets and reps UB. Deadlift was not enough of a challenge at this weight, I have previously done this workout at 225# and that would have been a better choice. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Workout 51 - RowErg - Feed Your Hunger 
This stamina sandwich will fuel your fire.  With two hard efforts to endure on either side of a set of consistent intervals, this is bound to satisfy your craving.
Warm Up:
Gradually build in Power
1 Minute @20
1 Minute @22
1 Minute @24
1 Minute @26
2 Minutes Steady Pace @24
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minute Rest
8 Rounds of Consistent Hard Effort
45 Seconds Work @26 with 15 Seconds Rest
2 Minutes Rest
2 Minutes Steady Pace* @24
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
*Starting Pace a little more challenging than before

The second half of the stamina sandwich was a MESS! I was consistently rating higher than 24 and my pacing was not consistent. Opened with 2:18 on the first interval and 2:16 for the second. Not sure if this was a tougher workout than I thought or I just didn't have it today.