Saturday, May 18, 2024

Warm Up:
8 Continuous Minutes of Rowing
4 Rounds of increasing power...
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 24
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 26
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 28
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 30

6x :20 work //:20 rest @ r24
6x :20 work //:30 rest @ r26
6x :20 work //:40 rest @ r28
Five Minutes of Fun: 
For 5 Minutes, holding a Stroke Rate of 24, complete 5 rounds of...
50 Seconds of Moderate Intensity 
10 Seconds of Maximum Power 

The goal was negative splits during each of the :20 sprint intervals. Was very pleased with the power I was able to generate with the drag set to 100. 

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