Monday, June 30, 2014

50 Calorie Row
30 V-Ups w/4lb medicine ball overhead

*Rest (1) minute between rounds.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bench Press 6 x 3 @ 185lbs
(6) Weighted Pistols @ 20lbs (alternating) between sets
Rest as needed

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Front Squat 

Note: Must clean from ground. 

5×2 -- 2 x 145; 2 x 155; 1 x 165lbs
3×3 -- 1 x 145; 1 x 155; 1 x 165lbs

Squat Snatch


2 x 95; 2 x 115; 1 x 125lbs; 1 x 130lbs (f); 1 x 115lbs

4×0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch
2×1:00 Chin to Toes Handstand

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

24 Pistols (alternating)
16 KB Pistols (alternating) @ 15lbs
12 KB Pistols (alternating) @ 25lbs

2 x 0:40 Hollow Hold
Note: The goal is to be as low as possible to the ground.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hang Snatch
1 x 5 @ 95lbs
1 x 5 @ 115lbs
1 x 8 @ 95lbs

Hang Clean
1 x 5 @ 145lbs
1 x 5 @ 155lbs
1 x 8 @ 135lbs


10 RDS:
6 Deadlifts @ 155lbs (used lighter load due to sore hamstrings from Saturday's WOD at Dr. Mikes)

3 x 20 Hollow Rocks

Friday, June 20, 2014

3 Rounds For Time:

25 V-Ups (hold 4lb medicine ball overhead)
5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 75% of 1RM

125lbs Rx

Box Shoulder Stretch 4 x 0:20
30 Degree Handstand Hold 3 x 0:30
Hands and Feet Hollow Hold 2 x 1:00

Notes: Walk your hands out as far as possible maintaining perfect from. Keep your arms shoulder width apart and focus on extending all the way through your shoulders. Round your upper back as much as possible. The lower you can hold it the better. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Snatched At The Border (Jorge with Snatch)

30-24-18-12-6 reps of GHD Situps
15-12-9-6-3 reps of Squat Snatches @ 75lbs

PVC Shoulder Stretch 3 x 5 (Tried to keep shoulders as close to parallel)
Super Couch Stretch 0:30 each leg

Tabata Hollow Rocks
Tabata Arch Rocks

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


4 rounds of:

3:00 to Row 500m (All Out)-- rest the remainder of the 3:00
1:00 ME C2B Pullups
1:00 Rest

3 x 0:20 Arch Hold + 0:20 Hollow Hold/0:20 Rest

Monday, June 16, 2014

Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Hang Clean + (1) Push Jerk @ 155lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 155lbs. If you cannot do 155lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 155lbs.

3 x 0:30 Handstand Holds
40' Inchworm; pause at hamstring stretch
3 x 12 Hanstand Shoulder Taps
3 x 0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch
1 x 12 PVC Shoulder Raises

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Complete 5 rounds:
70% of 3 RM Push Press – Max reps
60 second Assault Bike Sprint – Max Calories
*You can sub an Airdyne, Versa-Climber or Concept 2 for max calories sprint.

Note: 105lbs used for push press. Subbed C2 Rower for Assault Bike. 

17/19; 17/20; 14/19; 15/19; 16/20
79 reps/97 calories

2 x 0:30 Couch Stretch
2 x 15 Handstand Shoulder Shrugs
2 x 15 Handstand Shoulder Taps

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A: Deadlift
20-18-16-14-12-10 reps


1. Use the same load for each set.
2. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
3. Focus on keeping the stomach "sucked in" throughout the movement.
4. Be brave, and go as heavy as the rep scheme will allow.
5. Did this workout JAN 2012 also at 135lbs; I think 155lbs would be challenging but reasonable. 

B: Box Shoulder Stretch 3 x 0:20
Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch 3 x 0:20

C: Chin to Toes Handstand Against Wall 2 x 1:00 (2nd set failed at 0:45)
ME Handstand Shoulder Taps (2 x 20)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2013 Regional Event 4

For time:
50 Wall ball shots, 15 pound ball
50 Pushups
50 Pistols;alternating
50 Power Snatches; 75 pounds barbell

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A: Squat Snatches 3-3-3-3-3

B: 3 RDS:
Row 15 Calories
10 Burpees

Chin to Toes Handstand Hold 2 x 0:45 with perfect form.
Straight Body Lower Down 5 x 0:10 Descent

Monday, June 9, 2014

A: Strength
OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Note: Taken from squat rack.

B: Flexibility
Box Shoulder Stretch 4 x 0:20
Deep Couch Stretch A & B (See Outlaw Connectivity Progressions) 4 x 0:20

C: Core Work
Hollow Rocks 21-15-9
3 x 0:20 Arch Hold + 0:20 Hollow Hold/0:20 Rest

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Complete 6 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Friday, June 6, 2014

200 Singles
100 DB Swings @ 50lbs
*20  Singles Penalty On The Minute

Hamstring Box Stretch 3 x 0:20
Nose To Toes Handstand Hold 2 x 1:00
Note: Came off the wall at :40 on 2nd hold; got back up and finished remaining :20.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Hang Clean @ 135lbs

Note: I could certainly have gone heavier (think 155#) but my traps were fried from yesterday's snatches.

EMOM 10:
150m Sprint (.09 on treadmill) 9.0mph

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

Box Shoulder Stretch 3 x 0:20
T-Spine Barbell Stretch 2 x 0:20

5 RFT:
10 DB Snatches (5r/l) @ 60lbs
200' Sprint (back and forth 2x)


Chin to Toes Handstand Against Wall 2 x 1:00 (2nd set failed at 0:45)
Handstand Shoulder Taps 2 x 20 reps