Tuesday, June 30, 2015

5 Rounds; 2 minutes to complete. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

4 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs
20 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
EMOM 16:
A: Work up to Heavy Snatch. Best lift was 135#
B: 30 Double Unders (3:1 Singles)

3X12 V-Ups
5X7 Evil Wheels

Monday, June 29, 2015

A: 8 Rounds:
100m Sprint (True Form Treadmill)
8 Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Hollow Rocks+Hold
3X15+10 seconds

These were nasty!!

Sunday, June 28, 2015


30 Clean & Jerks, 115#

3:23 PR!

Workout @ No Excuses. Went in with a strategy of 10-10-10 but deviated quickly. Ended up doing 8-6-4-4-4-4. 

Goal is to get sub-3:00 -- 180 seconds which works out to 6 seconds per rep.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Three Rounds For Time:
30 Walking Lunges
50 Squats
25 Back Extensions


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Crossfit Games 2015 Qualifiers Event #4

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box Jumps
Handstand Push-ups

Rx'd is 225/155lbs & 24/20"

Used 145lbs and 20" box. Workout done at No Excuses.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A: Power Clean 5X3
B: 2 Rounds
Nose and Toes Handstand Hold
Couch Stretch (each leg)

A: 145-155-165-175-185(F)
Could not even get a single rep at 185. 175 felt great, thought I'd hit easily, but there was no speed in the turnover.
B: 0:45 Work/Rest Ratio for Each

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Crossfit Endurance
Time Trial: Row 2000m
-- 7:54.4
-- Damper was set at 8.
For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 15 reps
24 GHD sit-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 12 reps
18 GHD sit-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 9 reps
12 GHD sit-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 6 reps
6 GHD sit-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 3 reps


Monday, June 22, 2015

10 RDS:

115 Pound Power Snatches, 3 reps
20" Box Jumps, 6 reps
Hollow Rocks, 9 reps

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Double Shuttle

Complete 5 rounds of:

Sprint 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill
(7) SDHP @ 75-pounds
(14) OHS @ 75-pounds
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.

*For shuttle drill, start by sprinting 20 yards, change directions and sprint back 40 yards, change direction and sprint back 20 yards through original starting point. Perform (7) SDHP & (14) OHS and repeat...

Friday, June 19, 2015

10:00 AMRAP of:
15 Power Snatches 75#
30 Double-Unders (Sub 3:1 Singles)

Note: Did 100 singles per round rather than 90.
216 Reps; (4) Full + (20) Singles

Compare to best effort 14.1
Complete every 90 seconds:
100 yd Sprint
135 lb Ground to Overhead – 5 Reps
20 lb Lateral Ball Slam – 10 Reps
*Every 90 seconds, complete one of the above exercises.  Alternate through until your have completed 5 rounds of each or 15 total rounds.

Notes: Sprint on TrueForm treadmill.
Used Clean & Jerk as G20. 
Avg. :30 seconds work, :60 rest for most sets. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A: Back Squat: 6X3


B: Four Rounds:
20 DB Snatch @ 42.5 pounds (Alt. 10&10 R/L)
100 Singles

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Jerks


Workout at No Excuses. Used 115 lbs. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

3 rounds for time of:
50 HS Shoulder Taps
30 KB Swings 45lbs
15 KB OHS (hold in either hand) 45lbs

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A: EMOM for 7:00 – 3 T&G Power Snatches: begin at 60% of 1RM Power Snatch and add weight each minute to a max triple
B: EMOM for 7:00 – 2 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks: begin at 60% of 1RM Power Clean & Push Jerk and add weight each minute to a max double

A:75, 95, 105, 115, 120, 130, 135(f)
B: 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170, 175(f)

135# snatch failed 1st rep and hit 2nd & 3rd
175# clean & jerk; wanted nothing to do with this lift. I was fried at this point. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

For time:
200m Plate Carry 45#
3 rounds of:
9 Power Snatches 95#
15 GHD Sit-ups
200m Plate Carry 45# (after 3 rounds)

All sets and reps unbroken. Used metal plates for the farmers carry. Had to break 2-3 times each walk because of grip. Need to improve that grip strength.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A: For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters @ 45lbs
30 Burpees

B: 3X1:00 Hollow/Arch Hold (rotate every :30, this should be UB) – rest 90 secs. Arms and legs should not make contact with the ground at any point.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Front Squats
Push Press

Finished 12's & (4) Front Squats

Note: Workout at No Excuses. Used 115lbs for workout; as Rx'd is 155lbs. Felt it on the push press as the workout went on.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Clean & Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1

Work up to heavy single for the day. Aim for about 90% of your 1RM. If you are feeling good, go for a new 1RM, if not, back off.

Hit 175lbs; failed at 185lbs. Based off 190lb 1RM.


EMOM 10:
Even: 10 V-ups
Odd: 10 Supermans

Focus on keeping back and belly tight with Supermans.

Monday, June 8, 2015



Hang Clean:


21 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
Sprint 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill

15 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
Sprint 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill

9 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
Sprint 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill

Sunday, June 7, 2015

A: Power Snatch -- Work up to heavy single in 10:00, then:
B: 10 Rounds; Every 0:30 Seconds -- 2x Power Snatch
C: Snatch Push Press 5X5 Across. This should be close to your 1RM Snatch.

A: 140lbs
B: 115lbs
C: 135lbs

Friday, June 5, 2015

A: Shoulder Press 5X1 - Worked up to 155lbs
B: Push Press 5X3 - Worked up to 185lbs
C: Five Rounds Every 3:00 Minutes:
100 Singles
10 DB Push Press; 50lb DB

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Crossfit Games Open WOD 12.2

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

95 Reps

Note: Used Rx'd weight for women. Did workout at No Excuses. Mistakenly set clock for 12:00 instead of 10:00. Hard to say where I was at 10:00 mark, was just about finished 100lb set.
30-20-10 Reps:

Lateral Burpees

Used milk crate turned on its side - 13"
12-9-6 Reps:

OHS @ 135lbs
Burpees Over The Bar

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A: EMOM 10:
100 meter sprint (.06 miles on treadmill)

B: 50 Weighted Situps (hold 20lb medicine ball)

C: Tabata Lateral Box Jumps 16″ (touch on top)

Notes: Used Curve Treadmill. Hamstrings & calves are feeling it after this. Each of the runs averaged :23-27 seconds per effort. Speeds ranged from 9.5-10.7 for the run. It was hard to find a consistent speed on the treadmill. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

1) “Regional Event #4″. For time:
-250ft handstand walk
2) “Regional Even #5″ Snatch: 10 rounds – Every 90 second, complete:
-1x snatch (Work up to a max for the day)

A: Subbed Max Reps HS Shoulder Taps in 3:00 minutes -- 72 Reps
B: 135lb was best lift. Failed 3x at 140lbs.
For Time:

Calorie Row
Box Jumps @ 24"
Push-ups (Games Standard)

All sets and reps were unbroken.