Friday, September 21, 2018

A: Bench Press
10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 reps


B: 7 rounds for time:
65lb shoulder press, 21 reps
back extensions, 21 reps


Notes: Warm-up with a PVC or an unloaded barbell prior to starting the workout. Focus on excellent mechanics and keeping the midline engaged throughout every portion of the press. Keep legs and torso rigid for each rep of the press and strive to complete each set in 1-2 efforts. Reduce load as necessary.

As Rx'd is 75/55-lb. shoulder press, split the difference and used 65-lbs. First set was unbroken on the press, split all others 11/10. For back extensions, I went unbroken on 4 of the 7 sets.

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