Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Took a full two days off after Sunday's weighted Tabata squats - my legs and low back are still smoked. This @streetparking endurance workout looked fun -- tried to hold the "fast rounds" at 80+ RPMs and sub:30 seconds each time. The pace on each moderate round will increase as the calorie count decreases. 

Street Parking Endurance | Week 18 | May 26

Bike 60 Cal Men / 44 Cal Women - Moderate
Rest 45 Seconds
Bike 15 Cal Men / 11 Women - Fast
Rest 2 Min
Bike 45 Cal Men / 33 Cal Women - Moderate
Rest 45 Seconds
Bike 15 Cal Men / 11 Cal Women - Fast
Rest 2 Min
Bike 30 Cal Men / 22 Cal Women - Moderate
Rest 45 Seconds
Bike 15 Cal Men / 11 Cal Women - Fast

Score= Total Time
Goal= Don't worry so much about the time that you mess up the paces!

Total Time (including rest): 14:53 (women's RX)

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