Monday, November 30, 2020

Street Parking Endurance | Week 49 | Nov 29

Assault Bike
16 Minutes @ Easy Pace
No Rest**
8 Minutes @ Moderate Pace

255 Calories

Score: Total calories 
Goal: Easy pace should be comfortable. Moderate pace should be harder than that. 
Calorie Goal: 260+ Men and 210+ Women

**I ended up taking a minute rest between easy and moderate ride because it was so humid in the garage and I was overdressed and needed to shed some clothes (sweats and a long-sleeve tee with unseasonable 63-degree temps). 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Crossfit | 050807
Tabata Squats 
150 Sit-ups
Record the lowest round and total time for situps.

16 (135 total reps) / 10:16

I started the 190502 WOD which was Tabata squats followed by 2 minutes of l-sit (accumulated). I went up to Hopewell for the squats and l-sit since they have parallel bars, but was not dressed for how cold and windy it was so came home and did the 150 sit-ups in the garage. The only standard for the sit-ups was to keep the feet unanchored -- otherwise, any method was fine. The first 30 were done butterfly with an abmat, did straight leg situps the rest of the way. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

AMRAP 3 Minutes x2
1000m Assault Bike 
Max DB Push Press with the remaining time (70/50)
Rest 3:30 between AMRAPS

When picking your DB weights, make sure you can rep them out but are forced to break up your sets. This is a training piece, so take the opportunity to focus on your weaknesses. I am strong with any overhead pressing movement, so instead decided to push the bike to see how that affected the remainder of the AMRAP. Held the bike around 65-66 RPMs for the 1000 meters. The dumbbells were heavy, but I was able to get 8 and 10 reps on the opening set for each round. 

Round 1: 1 minute 34 seconds and 22 push presses
Round 2: 1 minute 33 seconds and 20 push presses 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Deadlifts x 2 @ 80% 

For Time:
100 Deadlifts (185/135)
*Every break is a 100m farmer's carry


There's nowhere to hide on this bad boy, holy grip & hamstrings 🔥. EMOM was done at 269lbs (80% of 335) and all lifts were made with ease. The metcon was nasty! Loaded the barbell with 155 and held 35/44 KB for the farmers walk, switching hands at the halfway point. The farmer's carry was from the garage door across the cul-de-sac and back. Deadlift sets were 20-15-17-20-21-7. I desperately tried to hang on for all 28 reps on set 5 to get a better time and avoid having to go on another 'death march'. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Today we ruck. That just means we carry a heavy backpack around for a solid chunk of time while listening to something awesome. We are always aiming to train all the parts of our fitness spectrum. With the ruck, you'll get a combination of moderate heart rate and a very long time and distance. That combination is hard to get unless you are a well seasoned long endurance athlete. That's what we want today. The logistics of this thing could distract you, don't let them. Put some amount of weight on a comfortable backpack, get a good playlist going, and just walk wherever you can for at least an hour. 

I carried the 25-pound slam ball in my backpack on a cold afternoon in Oxford. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Barbell Gymnastics
As an unbroken complex:
Hang Squat Clean
Front Squat

You will warm-up and then put 20 minutes on the clock and try to find your heaviest set of the complex. Keep this unbroken, holding onto the bar for all three parts without dropping the bar. Altogether, you will be squatting THREE TIMES for one complex - once in the squat clean, once in the front squat, and another in the thruster. 

Score: 190-pounds

3X1 Minute Double DB Overhead Hold
Rest 1 Minute Between Sets

Press those babies up there, get the biceps by the ears, keep the belly tight and HOLD for 1 minute!! Used 35 (left) and 44 (right) pound KBs as I thought the 50-pound DBs would be too heavy, especially with my left arm. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Jumping Pistols
In a 9:00 window:
6 box jump-overs
6 alternating pistols (3 per leg)
12 box jump-overs
12 alternating pistols (3 per leg)
18 box jump-overs
18 alternating pistols (3 per leg)
... and so on, adding 6 reps per round to each movement until the clock runs out. 

Finished through the round of 18+3 pistols. The workout, courtesy of @scaled_fitness, was done at Hopewell playground with a 20" box (toadstools) and bar-assisted pistols. Do not touch the box, you must jump all the way over. Expect the heart rate to go up somewhat aggressively. Your task is to keep a good cadence and keep moving. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

For Time:
40 banded sit-ups (red mini band)
200m sandbag carry (100)
40 banded sit-ups


Move methodically through your sit-ups, but STAY MOVING. The sandbag may be carried anyhow (shoulder recommended). Carry was to cable box outside of 608 Quill and back to the garage -- see the marked spot on the map below. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Horseshoe
For total distance - row, bike or ski:
5:00 max distance
-rest 3:00
4:00 max distance
-rest 2:00
3:00 max distance
-rest 1:00
2:00 max distance
-rest :30
1:00 max distance

Used the assault bike today. Couldn't find a record of distance or calories completed. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

15 Minute AMRAP
20 Calories Assault Bike
40 Heavy Rope Singles
20 Butterfly AbMat Sit-ups

4 Rounds + 9 Calories

This was probably the coldest day we've had since I started my garage workouts back in March. Paced this so that I wouldn't stop moving at any point during the workout. The bike was slower than I might normally hit 20 cals - held 60 RPM throughout - but it allowed me to get right at the jump rope. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

For Time:
60 Deadlifts (155/105)
30 Calories Bike
45 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
20 Calories Bike
30 Push Jerks (155/105)
10 Calories Bike


This comes courtesy of @spealprogramming. If you look closely, we are doing a variation on DT in today's workout. This was sneaky hard, the barbell will take some strategy with breaking things up so you can maximize your work-to-rest ratio. The hang cleans were a slog and I broke too often and rested too long. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

7X1 Hang Power Snatch
Work to a heavy single for the day, rest as needed. Take the bar from just above the knee. 

Best lift was 145-pounds. Failed twice at 150. 

Crossfit | 200909
On a 10-minute running clock:
2 minutes of butterfly abmat sit-ups
2 minutes of squats
90 seconds of 
butterfly abmat sit-ups
90 seconds of squats
1 minute of 
butterfly abmat sit-ups
1 minute of squats
30 seconds of 
butterfly abmat sit-ups
30 seconds of squats

251 total reps
35-22-17-9 (83) sit-ups
61-50-36-21 (168) squats

Friday, November 13, 2020

Crossfit | 180621
Bike 10,000 meters


Averaged 56 RPM with a max of 66. To stay below 17 minutes, need to hold 58-59 average. Need to learn better how to pace without looking at the monitor and only watching the clock - try to match the distance calories each time (see 11/15/20 @streetarking endurance WOD for suggestions). 

Not for Time
Accumulate 75 Weighted Hollow Rocks (hold 15lb plate) 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

10 Deadlifts (155/105)
5 SA KB Thrusters - Right (50/35)
5 SA KB Thrusters - Left (50/35)


Notes: Scaled deadlift and KB to 115 and 35 respectively. Used double overhand grip on the barbell and did all the deadlifts and thrusters unbroken. Should have stayed heavier on the deadlifts - maybe 135 would be better. Either way this will definitely wake up the hammies! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Odd Object Conditioning 
For time: 
400m sandbag bearhug carry (100)
Every time you break, run sideline to sideline at the football field (110 yards)


Found it difficult to pick up the bag right away after the run because I was breathing heavily and holding the bag in a bearhug presses on my chest, restricting breathing.

Monday, November 9, 2020

21-15-9-15-21 reps of:
Wall Balls (14)
Calories, Assault Bike

Notes: There is one clear intent today: make your core better. Violent closing of the hips, followed by an aggressive opening. This got gassy, especially on the round of 21. The workout, from @thedadwod, was written using a rower. Subbing the assault bike made this more quad-dominant. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

5 RFT:
8 kettlebell snatches (R)
48 single-unders
8 kettlebell snatches (L)
48 single-unders

10:12 with 35-pound KB

Saturday, November 7, 2020

As Many Rounds As Possible in 7 Minutes:
7 1-Arm KB Swings, each arm
7 Single-Leg Squats, each leg

4 Rounds Even

For the one-arm swing, bring KB to eye level. Focus on hip extension and squaring up your shoulders. Used an assist for the pistols to help with intended depth and speed – kept one hand on a bar at the playground for assistance.

Friday, November 6, 2020

From Crossfit Mayhem
10 Rounds
3 sandbag cleans (100)
100ft sandbag carry
-rest 1:1-
Notes: I carried the sandbag from garage door to mailbox for each 100ft carry.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Barbell Gymnastics
1) 15 minutes to work to a max double power clean for the day, 
2) AMRAP 3 minutes: power cleans @ 70% of today's heaviest double

Warmed up with 135lb bar for a couple sets then built up over 6 attempts to heavy double at 194lbs. 

Finished 26 reps @ 135 for part two. Thought 30 reps was too ambitious, but I was moving the bar well. I think I could hit 30 with a little more strategy, i.e. 5 reps every 30 seconds. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

3 RFT (include rest):
20 Calories Assault Bike
20 Slam Balls (25)
Rest 1 Minute


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Assault Bike Conditioning
On the 2:00 x 3 Sets: 20 Calorie Bike
On the 1:30 x 4 Sets: 15 Calorie Bike
On the 1:00 x 5 Sets: 10 Calorie Bike

4 Sets
45-second plank
20 hollow rocks

Rest as needed between sets. Strive to remain unbroken with hollow rocks.

Monday, November 2, 2020

AMRAP 12: 
25 Heavy Rope Singles
15 Double DB Deadlifts
25 Heavy Rope Singles
15 Hollow Rocks

4 Full + 3 DB Deadlifts