Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Deadlifts x 2 @ 80% 

For Time:
100 Deadlifts (185/135)
*Every break is a 100m farmer's carry


There's nowhere to hide on this bad boy, holy grip & hamstrings 🔥. EMOM was done at 269lbs (80% of 335) and all lifts were made with ease. The metcon was nasty! Loaded the barbell with 155 and held 35/44 KB for the farmers walk, switching hands at the halfway point. The farmer's carry was from the garage door across the cul-de-sac and back. Deadlift sets were 20-15-17-20-21-7. I desperately tried to hang on for all 28 reps on set 5 to get a better time and avoid having to go on another 'death march'. 

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