Friday, November 27, 2020

AMRAP 3 Minutes x2
1000m Assault Bike 
Max DB Push Press with the remaining time (70/50)
Rest 3:30 between AMRAPS

When picking your DB weights, make sure you can rep them out but are forced to break up your sets. This is a training piece, so take the opportunity to focus on your weaknesses. I am strong with any overhead pressing movement, so instead decided to push the bike to see how that affected the remainder of the AMRAP. Held the bike around 65-66 RPMs for the 1000 meters. The dumbbells were heavy, but I was able to get 8 and 10 reps on the opening set for each round. 

Round 1: 1 minute 34 seconds and 22 push presses
Round 2: 1 minute 33 seconds and 20 push presses 

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