Friday, April 30, 2021

Row Series II - Event 3 - ‘El Diablo’
Complete 6 rounds of:
Row 666m
Rest 1 minute

Scores are: 
A) Slowest 666m time (2:44.8)
B) Fastest 666m time (2:44.2)

Notes: Posted a time on the first set that I tried to match each subsequent set. Drag was set to 122. 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

1500m @r21 
5x 200m with 1 minute rest between @2k pace (open rate)

500m time trial

I wasn't feeling my best today, but wanted to log some work on the rower. I have not prioritized speed work the last few weeks and it shows. This felt good and that was the problem - it felt good, haha. Need to go to that dark place to get below 1:40 again. Drag should be higher than 106 as well - between 130 & 140 is best for an all-out 500. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 18 | 04/25/2021 
Row Version
4 Rounds
Row 90 Seconds (0:00-1:30)
Rest 10 Seconds (1:30-1:40)
Row 90 Seconds (1:40-3:10)
Rest 10 Seconds (3:10-3:20)
Row 90 Seconds (3:20-4:50)
Rest 10 Seconds (4:50-5:00)
Row 90 Seconds (5:00-6:30)
REST 90 SECONDS (6:30-8:00)

Goal is to hold same distance for every 90 second interval throughout. I did not read this direction very clearly and was not paying any attention to my pace. I treated the first round as a recovery row and then worked to beat the pace boat from each previous round. The third interval of round three I spaced out and let 14 seconds run off the clock before I started moving. Fought to try and 'catch up' but this ended up being my worst round. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Row 911m
Rest 30 seconds

4A: 4th 911m time (3:41.4)
4B: Total time (19:08.0)
Drag: 121

I didn't have a plan for what I thought I might be able to hold here because of the 30 second rest. For a straight ahead 5k I'd try to sit on a 2:08-2:09. The added rest here allows me to go slightly harder each round. After having a go, a good target for future attempts would be to hold a 2:05 across the first, second, third and fifth round and push for a 2:00 or less pace during the fourth round. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Active Recovery Day 
2000m row @R24

My knees and forearms are pretty sore form the 10k row yesterday. Just wanted to get some light movement in. Rowed along with a dark horse rowing video designed to hit a 2K in under nine minutes. This is a 2:15/500m pace. Even for active recovery this was a little slow, so I opted for 2:10/500m which would put me at 8:40.0 on the nose. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 45 | 11/01/2020
Row 10,000 meters

SCORE: 45:44

Got up about 10 minutes in to switch out the rolled up t-shirt I was sitting on with a bath mat. This was my first attempt at a 10K so I came out a little conservative. I think I could go under forty-five minutes with better pacing and the right seat cushion from the start. I would not have been confident enough to even attempt this row a month or so ago. The low rate steady state work I have been putting in the last month has paid off. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Row Recovery 
30:00 Recovery Row
Minutes 0-5 - Slow (2K + ~25s)
Minutes 6-10 - Moderate (2K + ~20s)
Minutes 10-15 - Moderately Fast (2K + ~15s)
Repeat a second time for the 30:00 total.

The shoulders and groin will be the main focus in this full body series that will leave you open and feeling great.
Puppy Dog
Wide Stance Down Dog

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Workout 38 - RowErg - 100% Better  
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast

Time Pyramid @27 Stroke Rate with 1 Minute Rest between Work Efforts. Drag set to 111.

Give this one your 100%.  The segments grow longer to the peak of this pyramid. However, they grow harder as we work down the other side. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

300 Dart Challenge 

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 12:38.4
Score: 12,010 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2972m

The dart game challenges you to be consistent in pace and stroke. Each game gives you 300 darts to "throw" at the target; the object is to earn as many points as possible. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 17 | 04/18/2021 
Row Version 
3 Rounds
Each Round Is:
3 Min ON (0:00-3:00)
1 Min OFF (3:00-4:00)
3 Min ON (4:00-7:00)
1 Min OFF (7:00-8:00)
3 Min ON (8:00-11:00)
1 Min OFF (11:00-12:00)
1 Min SPRINT (12:00-13:00)
Rest 3 Min after the 1 Min Sprint (13:00-16:00)
"ON" pace needs to always be consistent. Something you can hold for 3 Min and not drop off from round to round.
SPRINT is 90% effort.
SCORE: 7096 meters
DRAG: 111

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Workout 53 - RowErg - Ups and Downs
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Warm Up/Workout: 
12 minute stroke rate pyramid
6 Minute Rest
12 Minute Rolling Hills @ 22 stroke rate
Easy - Moderate - Hard
Moderate - Easy - Moderate
Hard - Moderate - Easy
Moderate - Hard - Moderate

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Two sets of: 
5X 1:00
Rest 1:00
Rest 10:00 between sets

Each set as follows: 
Rep 1 @ 24 s/m
Rep 2 @ 26 s/m
Rep 3 @ 28 s/m
Rep 4 @ 30 s/m
Rep 5 @ MAX s/m

Pacing suggestions: 
Target 2K + 4-6 seconds (or faster) to start at 24 rate
Increase pace by at least 2 seconds on from the previous rep with each rate increase. See if you can be faster on set 2.

Notes: 1-minute repeats are tough, but these rate-restricted sets are about as fun as you can make them. Push that starting rep as much as you want...just make sure you can increase pace throughout the set. Happy with how this turned out. Nudged the drag up to 125 for these sprints. Focus was on locking in to stroke rate and pace on the first set and then letting it rip for the remaining intervals holding the target stroke rate. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

This workout asks that you row for 30 straight minutes restricted to a stroke rate of 20. I was trying this for the first time and wasn't sure what the intent was or what pace to aim for. The effect of the rate cap (which incidentally means 20 strokes every minute, not just an average over the 30 minutes) is that it is very hard to find much of an acceleration at the end at all. Accordingly you have to sit around your target pace the whole way… there is no escaping it.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Row 1111 meters, Rest 4 minutes
Row 333 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 444 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 555 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 666 meters

Scores are:
A) Total Time (excluding rest) 12:11.4
B) 1111m Time 4:26.7

Notes: Today was all about pace control. Set the mark with 2:00/500m pace to open and then dropped down to 1:51/500m for the next. Increased pace by :03/500m with each subsequent interval, finishing with 2:00/500m pace for the last interval. Set the drag a little higher than what I have been using lately (124). 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 05 | 01/24/2021 
Row Version:
12 Min Row
Rest 3 Min
9 Min Row
Rest 2 Min
6 Min Row
Rest 1 Min
3 Min Row
Score: Total Distance
Goal: Do NOT mess up the pacing trying to get a better score.

Each interval is its own separate event. Each interval is broken up into thirds (easy, moderate, hard). As example, the 12min has a 4min easy row, 4min moderate row, 4min hard row. The pacing is reset after every interval. The key to this workout is the easy is EASY and the hard is HARD. What this means is that HARD for 4 min is slower than HARD for 1 min etc. Base it off of that level of effort in that given time domain.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Workout 72 - RowErg - Whatcha Got, Hot Shot?!
Warm Up (~5 Minutes)
Using 'just row'
5 Minute gradual build in Stroke Rate and Power
Workout (~20 Minutes)
Set the monitor to 'just row'
Set the units to 'watts'
10 Intervals of Work
Work = 17 Strokes Together
Take 2 strokes to sync up at target stroke rate, the next 5 strokes you will pull harder, gradually increasing the watts to a challenging number. The final 10 strokes you will work to sustain that number while maintaining good technique. 
You'll continue to row after each set of power tens, just take the intensity way down and take your stroke rate down to 20-22 -- don't stop rowing throughout the workout.

Stroke Rates targets for each interval:
4 @ 24
3 @ 26
2 @ 28
1 @ 30

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Row 5,000 meters 

The CrossFit main site WOD is a 5K row today. Took this as a sign to get out and test myself. Held the same pace (2:10) and rate (21) for the first 4000m before bumping up the last 1000m (2:03 & 25) and sprinted the last 300-400m home. This is a 19-second PR!! 

Set pace boat to 2:10/500m and DF = 110. 

SCORE: 21:26.0

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

On The Concept2 Rower: 
5 minutes
1 minute
5 minutes
1 minute
5 minutes
Rest 2 minutes between each piece
Pacing: 5 mins @20 SPM, 1 min @30 SPM

Today we are looking at a 5, 1, 5, 1 and 5 minute effort with 2 minutes rest between each piece. For the 5 minute pieces, choose a pace that is challenging but sustainable. Those 1 minute pieces are going to be rate controlled sprints, stay within the allotted stroke rate. Switch between sustainable pacing, a quick rest and a quick burst. If you hit this workout well the 2 minute rest will feel short but manageable and you should be able to maintain your 5 minute pacing three times over. Drag was 112.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps
*use double overhand grip with fat gripz

5s: 155, 155
3s: 175, 175, 175
1s: 180, 190, 195(f), 195(f)

I got the 195lb bar to mid-thigh but couldn't stand all the way up. Was not planning to deadlift - started and stopped a couple efforts on the rower before switching to deadlift. I have done a lot of rowing and not much else the last month and my forearms were juiced from the 1000m repeats yesterday. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

5 Rounds
1000m row @ 5k pace & rate
2:00 rest

Pulled this workout from @tucsonrowing 5K training plan. This is the first test (of four) of your target pace and rate. Next week we'll drop the the number of intervals but the distance will stay the same. My goal time is 21:00 - was happy to sit on the target pace (2:06/500) while keeping the rate so low. I look forward to seeing if I can hold this pace as the distance increases without having to increase my rate. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 49 | 11/29/2020
Row Version
Row 4000 Meters - Easy Pace
No Rest
Row 2000 Meters - Moderate Pace
Total: 6000 Meters

Score: Total time for 2000 Meters Only (8:34.2)

Goal: Easy pace should be comfortable. Moderate pace should be harder than that.
Rough Estimate on Time Goal:
4000 Meters - Around / Under 20-22 Min
2000 Meters - Around / Under 9-10 Min

This workout teaches us to pace early (not peacock) and finish strong.