Thursday, April 15, 2021

Two sets of: 
5X 1:00
Rest 1:00
Rest 10:00 between sets

Each set as follows: 
Rep 1 @ 24 s/m
Rep 2 @ 26 s/m
Rep 3 @ 28 s/m
Rep 4 @ 30 s/m
Rep 5 @ MAX s/m

Pacing suggestions: 
Target 2K + 4-6 seconds (or faster) to start at 24 rate
Increase pace by at least 2 seconds on from the previous rep with each rate increase. See if you can be faster on set 2.

Notes: 1-minute repeats are tough, but these rate-restricted sets are about as fun as you can make them. Push that starting rep as much as you want...just make sure you can increase pace throughout the set. Happy with how this turned out. Nudged the drag up to 125 for these sprints. Focus was on locking in to stroke rate and pace on the first set and then letting it rip for the remaining intervals holding the target stroke rate. 

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