Row 1111 meters, Rest 4 minutes
Row 333 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 444 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 555 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 666 meters
Row 333 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 444 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 555 meters, Rest 1 minute
Row 666 meters
Scores are:
A) Total Time (excluding rest) 12:11.4
B) 1111m Time 4:26.7
Notes: Today was all about pace control. Set the mark with 2:00/500m pace to open and then dropped down to 1:51/500m for the next. Increased pace by :03/500m with each subsequent interval, finishing with 2:00/500m pace for the last interval. Set the drag a little higher than what I have been using lately (124).
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